Knee Pain Relief: 6 Natural Treatments, Including Exercises
Next to back pain, knee pain is one of the most common complaints among both older adults and younger athletes. Knee injuries are one common...
Feverfew: The Natural Headache Reliever that May Fight Cancer
Suffer from chronic headaches and migraines? Looking for a natural remedy that has a proven track record of success in preventing and treating some of...
The Gallbladder Flush
When it comes to gallbladder health, many people are looking for a specific strategy to remove gallstones and clear the biliary tract. Clearing biliary sludge...
How to Use Pressure Points for Sinus Relief
Some people use acupressure to provide sinus pain relief. A person can visit a licensed therapist or try it at home by applying gentle...
The Benefits of Drinking Herbal Teas for Relaxation and Health
Sipping on herbal tea can be more than just a relaxing ritual. This cozy habit may also support various aspects of your health, thanks...
Will Adequate Magnesium Keep Your Heart Healthy?
A long-term study of atherosclerosis revealed that adequate magnesium is critical for good heart health. A supplement could help.
Magnesium has long been a neglected mineral. ...
Tips to Improve Negative Health Impacts of Staying up Late
With today’s 24-hour-per-day availability of activity, the demands of work and school extended by remote access, and the ever-colorful allure of nightlife, many end...
The Truly Superior Source Of Probiotics
People are catching on to the fact that probiotics are an essential requirement for living a healthy life. With over 100 trillion bacteria in...
Can You Lower Your Cholesterol with Bergamot?
Some research suggests that an extract of the citrus fruit bergamot can lower cholesterol much as red yeast rice does. Is it right for...
7 Potential Health Benefits of Sea Greens
Also called sea vegetables or seaweed, sea greens are a new superfood landing on the wellness scene. And they may be a boon to...