Health Awareness

How Much Water Should You Drink to Get Its 6 Major...

Water constitutes a high proportion of the human body’s weight and is ubiquitous in all parts of the body. It plays a crucial role...

Cabbage Juice Remedy May Help Treat Chronic Heartburn

Drinking cabbage juice three times a day for a month is a home remedy that helped one reader overcome symptoms of heartburn. How do you...

The Link Between Headaches and Depression

You are not alone if you suffer from both depression and a headache disorder. One could be triggering the other, or you could just happen to...

Proof That Broccoli is an Absolutely Amazing Vegetable For Your Health

Yep, your mother got it right, again. She knew intuitively that broccoli was good for you, and perhaps “forced” you to eat it as...

These Foods Have Natural Chemopreventive Properties

Food is life and this couldn't be truer elsewhere than in disease prevention. An estimated 42% of all cancers, for one, may be prevented by...

Loneliness Is the Quiet Health Epidemic Impacting Your Heart, Brain, and...

Here’s what to know to protect ourselves—and one another. Loneliness is an all-too-human emotion that poets, novelists, and songwriters have for centuries tried to capture...

Will Adequate Magnesium Keep Your Heart Healthy?

A long-term study of atherosclerosis revealed that adequate magnesium is critical for good heart health. A supplement could help. Magnesium has long been a neglected mineral. ...

9 Health Benefits of Tiger Nuts

They’re not really nuts, but they ARE good for you, helping with digestion and blood sugar. They aren’t actually nuts. And the only thing they...

Tips to Improve Negative Health Impacts of Staying up Late

With today’s 24-hour-per-day availability of activity, the demands of work and school extended by remote access, and the ever-colorful allure of nightlife, many end...

What Americans Eat Is ‘Almost Certainly’ Making Them Sick, Experts Say

(Natural News) Tehrene Firman, content director of Brightly, a discovery platform for eco-conscious consumers, said that while unnaturally dyed foods and hormone-packed meats are...

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