Study calls for precautionary approach to kids’ skincare due to potential chemical risks.
A new study found for the first time that common skin care products used by young children may increase their exposure to hormone-disrupting chemicals.
The results may help guide parents to limit their children’s exposure to toxins that could harm their development, Michael Bloom, study leader and professor at George Mason University’s College of Public Health, told The Epoch Times.
“We found associations between recent use of different skin care products and higher concentrations of phthalate and phthalate-replacement compounds,” Bloom said in a press release.
Phthalates, often found in skincare products, can disrupt the endocrine system, potentially interfering with hormones. These chemicals may be added to skincare products to improve absorption, prolong fragrances, or make the product more lubricating.
“Phthalates are endocrine-disrupting chemicals, and children’s exposure has been associated with differences in body composition, neurodevelopment, and pulmonary and immune function,” the researchers wrote in the study.
“While the evidence is not definitive at present, the potential hazardous human health effects … demands a precautionary approach,” said Bloom, who has worked on several other studies involving phthalates and other potential health hazards.
Phthalate-replacement compounds are chemicals used instead of phthalates. Replacements can also be toxic.
Potential Risks Demand Precautions
Researchers from George Mason University collected data from 630 children, aged 4 to 8, across 10 different clinical sites in the United States. Each child underwent a physical examination, including a urinalysis to detect phthalate byproducts left in the body.
As part of the clinical study, parents were asked to list skin care products that had been applied in the 24 hours before the examination. These products included soaps, lotions, shampoos, cosmetics, and sunscreen. The researchers noted frequent use of skin care products among participants during this period, with most children using at least one type of soap and lotion.
The researchers also surveyed the parents about their children’s racial and ethnic backgrounds. Black participants had the highest rate of phthalates in their urine, possibly because of their choice of products and frequency of use.
“Consumers can check product labels to identify potentially harmful ingredients in skin care products and refer to websites that provide detailed information about commercially-available skin care products,” Bloom said.
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration requires manufacturers to declare their ingredients through a label. So consumers can tell whether some products contain phthalates by reading the ingredient declaration for ingredients that contain the word “phthalate.”
Common phthalates added to personal products in diethyl phthalate (DEP) and monoethyl phthalate (MEP).
However, the regulations do not require the listing of the individual fragrance or flavor, or their specific ingredients. As a result, a consumer may not be able to determine from the ingredient declaration on the label if phthalates are present in a fragrance or a flavor used in the product. Thus, some groups advise people to avoid scents and flavors.
Phthalates can also migrate from plastic packaging into products, Bloom said, suggesting that policy changes may be needed to limit children’s exposure.
The study, published Wednesday in Environmental Health Perspectives journal, was funded by the U.S. National Institute of Health (NIH) Environmental Influences on Child Health Outcomes study.
Toxic or Not? The Ongoing Debate
Although this study did not directly investigate the health risks, Bloom said other experimental studies using animal models and cell cultures have shown phthalates can affect hormone function, cause inflammation, and induce oxidative stress. These biological pathways, shared by humans, that might lead to adverse health effects in humans.
“These studies were often conducted at very high doses of phthalates, greater than those typically experienced by human populations,” Bloom said. “Still many observational studies in human populations worldwide have reported associations between exposure to some phthalates and neurocognitive problems, reproductive problems, changes in hormones, metabolic disease, and other adverse health effects, suggesting that there are toxic effects,” he added.
The results in human studies have been mixed, which makes the toxicity of these chemicals a controversial subject. Due to ethical concerns “it’s difficult to study phthalate exposure in people, especially in children,” Bloom said.
A Growing Health Concern
Previous studies have suggested widespread use of phthalates may harm human health.
A 2020 Columbia study identified that some phthalates can harm attention span in children and was linked to neurological harms.
A 2024 French study linked phthalate exposure in pregnant women to decreased placenta weight and decreased placenta to infant ratio, both of which are negative health outcomes.
The current study’s results may inform policymakers, doctors, and parents to “help limit children’s exposure to developmental toxicant,” authors of the current study wrote.
Important Notice: This article was originally published at www.theepochtimes.com by Huey Freeman where all credits are due.
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