Learn the benefits of juicing cabbage and the best cabbage juice recipe for helping ulcers, gastritis and other stomach and gut issues. Here is how to make this cabbage juice recipe 2 different ways: in a blender (without a juicer) or a cold-press juicer.
Cabbage Juice Recipe
If you’re looking into cabbage juicing recipes or wondering what to mix with cabbage juice in order to make it more beneficial and tastier then keep reading. Just like in my beet root juice recipe blend, each ingredient in this recipe for cabbage juice has powerful health benefits making it a great source of anti-oxidants and vitamins with the ability to restore the gut lining.
You can easily prepare cabbage juice at home whether you use a blender or a juicer. And since the cabbage juice has a bland/pungent taste, balancing it with extra vegetable juice like carrot juice and celery and fruit (apple) for taste and nutritional value.
All these vegetables juices have beneficial properties for ulcers and gastritis (the intestinal lining) and also can help boost immune system in general.
Why Juicing Cabbage?
Some people also have trouble digesting cruciferous vegetables due to lack on enzymes, dysbiosis of the gut microbiota or due to an underlying digestive disorder. Gas and digestive upset are the most common symptoms.
Therefore consuming the cabbage juice will eliminate the fiber that contributes to these symptoms. Moreover drinking juiced cabbage results in better absorption of nutrients, compared with eating whole cabbage. Plus it’s easier to consume a lot of cabbage in juice form than eating it in a coleslaw salad.
Benefits Of Juicing Cabbage
- Anti-inflammatory: cabbage contains significant amounts of glutamine which is an amino acid that has anti-inflammatory properties.
- Skin benefits: great for the treatment of skin inflammationand can be used as a safe alternative to corticosteroids.
- Antioxidant properties: can increase the levels of antioxidant enzymes, leading to protection of the free-radical action.
- Block the growth of cancer cells:due to indole-3-carbinol, a chemical (present in cabbage) which boosts DNA repair cells.
- Prevent and heal acute stomach ulcersand increased the pH value of gastric juice.
- Weight loss: cabbage juice is an ideal part of a weight-loss diet: it’s nutrient dense, low in calories and makes you feel full while preventing cravings.
Ingredients For Cabbage Juice Recipe
- Head of cabbage(small one) – you can use half of a medium cabbage or more. It should consists approximately 60% of the cabbage juice mix. Use green or purple cabbage, they are both great. And know that the heavier the cabbage the more juice it will provide.
- Celery– it should comprise about 20% to 30% of the juice, Celery juice is well known for its gastric mucosal protection and ulcer healing properties.
- Carrots – they should consist about 15%(or maximum 20%) of the total cabbage juice blend. Carrots have ulcer preventive effects and ulcer healing properties as well.
- Apple – optional, but if you add it, make sure it constitutes no more than 10% of the juice, use as taste improver. Other fruits are not suitable for this type of juice.
- Mint leaves – they were also found to have effective activity against gastric ulcers. And I’m using mint here for taste improvement as well. It’s totally optional though. I just had some mint leftovers after making my lemon ginger and cucumber water.
Cabbage Juicing: Red or Green Cabbage?
- Cabbage in general has a superb nutrient profile and is especially high in vitamins C and K. But unlike green and white cabbage varieties, red cabbage contains anthocyanins, the same red flavonoid pigments (antioxidants) present in red and purple berries.
- Plus purple cabbage has 10 times more vitamin A and double the iron than green cabbage. On the other hand, green cabbage has the advantage when it comes to vitamin K, but they’re both great sources.
- As for the juice taste, whenjuicing red cabbage you might get a more strong pungent taste and even slightly peppery.
How To Make Cabbage Juice For Ulcers
To make cabbage juice, you should use the whole cabbage including the dense middle of the cabbage head. The flavor of cabbage juice is mild with a slight bitterness, so it’s ideal to blend with other vegetable or fruits to improve it’s taste.
Making fresh cabbage juice at home requires a juicer or a blender, which ever you have available.
How To Make Cabbage Juice With a Blender
You can make this cabbage juice recipe without a juicer, here is how:
For those who don’t want to make a commitment to buying a juicer, you can make cabbage juice with a blender. I use my Ninja blender, because I prefer a glass pitcher not plastic, a nut milk bag and a tall container.
Here is how to make a cabbage juice without a juicer:
- Prepare your ingredients (wash and peel if necessary, cut into smaller chunks, about 1-2 inches);
- Mix:place in a blender and add a touch of water (you don’t need much, pour gradually just enough to help blending) and blend on high for 30 seconds to 1 minute. Tip: for easier blending add only half of ingredients with water, and once those are transformed into a liquid paste, you can add the rest and blend again until everything is homogeneous.
- Strainthrough a mesh bag / nut milk bag and squeeze as much juice with your hands in a clean container. Don’t use a regular metal strainer you’re going to waste a lot of cabbage juice.
- Discard the pulp, pour into glasses.
- Drinkthe juice immediately, or within 30 minutes.
Juicing Cabbage With A Juicer
The best cabbage juice is made in a juicer, it’s cold pressed (unless you use a centrifugal juicer) and not exposed to metal or heat (which contributes to oxidation).
Here are the steps of juicing cabbage in a juicer:
- Prepare the cabbage and the rest of ingredients:wash well (cabbage, carrots, celery, apple), leave the carrots unpeeled if you’re using organic – the skin contains concentrated vitamin C and niacin. You can peel them if you’re using conventional carrots – the concentration of pesticides is higher in the peel.
- Chop everythingto a size that fits your juicer and begin juicing according to the user’s manual.
- Enjoy the freshly juiced cabbage blend within 30 minutes. If you can’t drink it right away, store in a glass airtight bottle in the fridge up to 24 hours.
Best Cabbage Juicer
The best cabbage juicer is a cold press slow masticating juicer. In the video I’m using a medium range priced juicer. It yields a good amount of juice and works great with hard veggies. Plus is easy to assemble and clean unlike other juicers with mesh filter. I would say probably better than more expensive juicers like Omega.
Juicing cabbage with a slow juicer produces a higher quality juice in terms of flavor and nutrition when comparing to traditional centrifugal juicers. It uses a slow process of crushing the vegetables and squeezing the juice against a strainer. Juicing a carrot through a masticating juicer produces roughly 30% higher yield than centrifugal juicers plus less foaming and oxidation.
Cabbage Juice For Ulcer: How It Works
The ulcer healing factor present in cabbage is known as vitamin U (S. methymethionine). It is theorized that this vitamin prevents further acid erosion and peptic digestion of the lining of the gastrointestinal mucosa and the healing is accelerated by the presence of calcium in the cabbage juice as it allows for clotting to occur fast. And Vitamin K, also present in the juice, helps to control the bleeding.
The cabbage also has the potential to influence gut bacterial composition (alter growth of certain bacteria) and help metabolize the glucosinolates (the sulfur-containing component in cabbages) into bioactive components with anti-cancer effects. As the bacterial composition has critical role in maintaining the population and function of intestinal cells it can influence the immune system and it’s homeostasis as well.
Cabbage Juice Recipe FAQ
- How much cabbage do you need to juice to get 8 ounces / 1 cup of fresh cabbage juice?
You will need a little less than a 1/2 head of cabbage (medium size), about 20-25 ounces.
2. Can you juice cabbage raw?
Yes. Cabbage is a rich source of vitamins C, A, and K. Vitamin C begins to denature at temperatures as low as 86 °F so the cabbage juice is best consumed raw for maximum nutrient retention.
3. What is the best time to drink cabbage juice?
Drink the cabbage juice first thing in the morning (that’s when the body is detoxifying and needs nutrients) on an empty stomach (this speeds the absorption) and you can have more portions throughout the day if necessary.
4. How much cabbage juice a day you need for healing ulcers?
It depends on how serious is your problem, generally, you will need to drink 1 cup (8 ounces) of cabbage juice 3 or 4 times a day.
5. How long does it take cabbage juice to heal an ulcer?
According to researcher Garnett Cheney, in his study, those who drank cabbage juice saw their ulcers heal in an average of 9 days. Comparing to conventional treatment, the ulcers are typically healed in 42 days.
6. Should I drink cabbage juice on empty stomach?
In fact, it is ideal to drink cabbage juice on an empty stomach (at least 30 minutes before or two hours after a meal) the absorption of vitamins and nutrients is the most effective.
7. How do you get the most nutrients out of cabbage?
When cabbage is juiced, your body is able to process and absorb the most nutrients quickly and in higher quantities. And when you add a little fat (vitamin A and C are fat-soluble) you can increase the vitamin absorption. Fats you can consume with cabbage juice (or after) are: oils, avocado, egg, nuts (butter or milk), fish oil capsules, etc. Moreover adding some juice from fermented cabbage (sauerkraut) will enhance your fresh cabbage juice with probiotics.
8. How long does fresh cabbage juice last?
Drink the freshly juiced cabbage within 15-30 minutes for maximum benefit (especially if it was made in a blender). Once the vegetables are chopped, the enzymes are activated and oxidation causes rapid nutrient loss. If the cabbage juice was made with a slow juicer and stored in an airtight jar (right away) in the fridge, then it should still be good in the next 24 hours.
Important Notice: This article was originally published at https://healthytasteoflife.com where all credits are due.
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