The aroma of luscious guava with a dash of chat mosaic atop is one fruit that we undeniably eat. Popularly known as amrood in Hindi, piled up with tiny edible seeds with a unique flavour and strong sweet fragrance. One of the topmost fruit loaded with fiber, vitamin C, lycopene, manganese, folate, and potassium. The health benefits of guava are marvelous. Guava does wonders in treating diseases such as constipation, diarrhea, scurvy, high blood pressure, cough, and the common cold.
Guava for Wellness
1. Boosts Immunity
The abundance of vitamin C in guava aids to boost the immune system, protect against common infections, and diseases. Enjoy the mature fruit to reap the benefits as a study shows that mature guava has the highest concentration of vitamin C.
2. Enhances Vision
Vitamin A is essential for improved eyesight. This vitamin A-rich fruit slows down the progression of cataracts, macular degeneration, protects retinal damage, and improves eye vision.
3. Controls Diabetes
The low glycemic index of guava makes them a safe sweet treat for diabetics and has a good amount of dietary fiber that helps in controlling sugar spikes.
4. Promotes digestion
Guavas are an excellent source of dietary fiber and one guava can provide 12% of the daily recommendation of fiber. Eating guavas aid in a healthy bowel movement, prevent constipation, and cleanses the digestive tracts.
5. Prevents Cancer
The antioxidants lycopene, flavonoid, and phytonutrients in guava are highly beneficial in inhibiting the growth of cancerous cells. Eating guava regularly will help to combat prostate cancer, colon cancer, and breast cancer.
6. Stress-Buster
Stress takes a toll on your life, guava is certainly what you need to relax your muscles, combat stress, and boost your energy. The magnesium present in guava helps to relax the muscles and nerves of the body.
7.RelievIng Cough and Cold
Guava rich in vitamin C is vital for relieving cough and cold. The astringent properties of guava loosen the mucus and inhibit microbial causing cough and cold. To reap the benefits, go for the raw one, but not the ripe one.
8. Ravishing Skin
A guava a day keeps wrinkles away. The richness of lycopene, carotene in guava with the vitamins A, B, C are perfect for neutralizing free radicals, preventing skin damage, and protecting the skin from wrinkles.
Important Notice: This article was originally published at by Sowmya Binu where all credits are due.
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