Mango Peels: A Delicious Way To Protect Us From Sun Damage

Mangoes are tropical fruits that are sometimes called the “king of fruits.” Aside from being delicious, they are packed with vitamin A, vitamin C, fiber, potassium and vitamin B6 as well as polyphenols – plant compounds that function as antioxidants that protect our cells against free radical damage.

Mangoes And Sun Damage

Ultraviolet (UV) light creates radiation, called UV radiation which is a form of electromagnetic radiation that is extremely damaging to our skin thus leading to drying, wrinkles, dark spots, and other issues. This damage is also called as sun damage. Experts claim that even a slight sunburn can create significant damage to our skin.

According to a study, mangoes contain antioxidants that can help lower down the effects of UV radiation rays on our skin. Aside from this, its vitamin C content also protects us against free radicals that cause damages to our skin as well as vitamin A that can help repair the skin.

In a separate study, researchers have found that mango peel plays an important role in combating the harmful effects of UV rays and prevent signs of early aging. These benefits are mainly due to the peels’ antioxidant component – quercetin, resveratrol, mangiferin, and norathyriol.

Simple Ways To Protect The Skin With Mango Peels

Maybe, some of us are not aware of the numerous ways to add mango peels into our diet. But for those who want to protect their skin from premature aging and want to have wrinkle-free and glowing skin, then here are some of the ways to incorporate mango peels into your food.

  1. Mango peels can be pickled.
  2. Make smoothies.
  3. Grate mango peels and add into salads, smoothies, and other dishes.
  4. Make mango chips by chopping the mango skin up and baking it in the oven or frying them.