Today, many people turn to aloe vera to treat sunburn and other minor burns, scrapes, bruises, and cuts. Aloe vera plants are commonplace on kitchen windowsills and in home gardens. But have you ever thought about using aloe vera for blood sugar management? Yes, it’s been shown to improve blood glucose levels.
What Is Aloe Vera?
Aloe vera is a succulent that is native to dry areas of America, Europe, Africa, and Asia. It’s composed of fleshy leaves, yellow flowers, and fruits with seeds. The leaves are made of three layers.
- The outer thick layer is the rind, which protects the plant and makes proteins and carbohydrates.
- The inner clear gel is 99 percent water and 1 percent beneficial substances.
- A middle layer is composed of latex that contains glycosides and anthraquinones, which have laxative effects.
Aloe vera contains about 75 potentially active ingredients, including vitamins, sugars, lignin, saponins, salicylic acids, amino acids (20 of the 22 required amino acids), enzymes, and minerals.
In addition to using the inner gel of the plant directly on the skin, aloe vera is used in many different products, such as creams and lotions for topical use, as well as aloe vera juice for internal conditions such as indigestion, heartburn, and other digestive issues.
Aloe Vera and Blood Glucose Levels: Studies
Another potential use for aloe vera juice is to help improve blood glucose (sugar) levels. In a 1999 study, researchers indicated that oral aloe vera “might be a useful adjunct for lowering blood glucose in diabetic patients.” Since then, experts have continued to explore aloe vera’s use in managing blood glucose and diabetes. Thus far, some of their findings include the following:
- In a study involving 90 individuals with non-insulin-dependent diabetes, the participants were given either no treatment (controls), 100 mg of aloe vera gel powder, or 200 mg of the powder daily for three months. The authors noted a significant drop in fasting blood glucose levels and post-prandial glucose levels in the groups that received aloe vera but not in the controls. The participants in the aloe vera groups also saw a significant reduction in total cholesterol, triglycerides, low-density lipoprotein cholesterol, and very low-density lipoprotein cholesterol, and a significant increase in high-density lipoprotein cholesterol. Blood pressure declined significantly in the aloe vera groups but only slightly in the controls.
- In a 2013 animal study, aloe vera extract was administered to diabetic rats. The extract significantly reduced glucose levels while also significantly increasing serum insulin levels.
- In a systemic review and meta-analysis that involved eight trials (470 patients) with prediabetes or type 2 diabetes, the researchers found that the use of aloe vera significantly improved fasting plasma glucose levels in people with prediabetes. For those with Type 2 diabetes, aloe vera may improve glycemic control and significantly improve hemoglobin A1c levels.
- A 2022 study looked at the impact of aloe vera on dyslipidemia (elevated triglycerides, decreased high-density lipoprotein [good] cholesterol, elevated small dense low-density lipoprotein [bad] cholesterol) in individuals with Type 2 diabetes. The authors noted that oral aloe vera may help improve blood glucose stability and the metabolism of lipids.
The positive effects of aloe vera may be associated with the presence of various compounds. They include:
- Anthraquinones have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties.
- Acetylated mannan, also known as acemannan, which has anti-diabetic and anti-inflammatory properties.
- Aloe vera carbohydrate-rich fraction has been shown to regulate glucose metabolism in diabetic rats. In a 2021 study, the authors reported that the carbohydrate fraction of aloe vera improved glucose metabolism and helped maintain glucose homeostasis. They concluded that aloe vera carbohydrate-rich fraction “can be used as an alternative medicine to alleviate diabetes mellitus symptoms.”
- Glucomannan is a type of dietary fiber that may help lower blood glucose levels.
Using Aloe Vera
You can use aloe vera juice, gel, or supplements for blood sugar management. Choose an organic aloe vera product. A typical dose of aloe vera juice is one to three tablespoons daily.
Bottom Line
Aloe vera is a natural supplement that may be used to help with blood glucose management in prediabetes and diabetes. However, consult a knowledgeable professional before using aloe vera because it may lower your blood glucose too much, especially if you already take diabetic medication.
Originally published on NaturallySavvy.com
- Abo-Youssef AMH, Messiha BAS. Beneficial effects of Aloe vera in treatment of diabetes: comparative in vivo and in vitro studies. Bulletin of Faculty of Pharmacy, Cairo University 2013 Jun; 51(1):7-11
- Choudhary M et al. Hypoglycemic and hypolipidemic effect of Aloe vera L. in non-insulin dependent diabetics. Journal of Food Science and Technology 2014 Jan; 51(1):90-96
- Deora N, Venkatraman K. Aloe vera in diabetic dyslipidemia: Improving blood glucose and lipoprotein levels in pre-clinical and clinical studies. Journal of Ayurveda and Integrative Medicine 2022 Oct-Dec; 13(4):100675
- Govindarajan S et al. Aloe vera carbohydrates regulate glucose metabolism through improved glycogen synthesis and downregulation of hepatic gluconeogenesis in diabetic rats. Journal of Ethnopharmacology 2021 Dec 5; 281:114556.
- Shelton RM. Aloe vera. Its chemical and therapeutic properties. International Journal of Dermatology 1991 Oct; 30(10):679-83
- Suksomboon N et al. Effect of Aloe vera on glycaemic control in prediabetes and type 2 diabetes: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Journal of Clinical Pharmacy and Therapeutics 2016 Apr; 41(2):180-88.
- Surjushe A et al. Aloe vera: a short review. Indian Journal of Dermatology 2008; 53(4):163-66.
- Yongchaiyudha S et al. Antidiabetic activity of Aloe vera L. juice. I. Clinical trial in new cases of diabetes mellitus. Phytomedicine 1996 Nov; 3(3):241-43.
- Vogler BK, Ernst E. Aloe vera: a systematic review of its clinical effectiveness. British Journal of General Practice 1999 Oct; 49(447):823-28
Important Notice: This article was also published at www.theepochtimes.com by Lisa Collins where all credits are due.
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