Pain is a common symptom of cancer patients. According to surveys, about 30 percent to 50 percent of cancer patients have pain problems, and more than 80 percent of terminal cancer patients experience pain. Most cancer patients must continually rely on painkillers or morphine. However, even with legal prescriptions, these drugs can bring many uncomfortable side effects, and over time can even damage the brain, liver, kidneys, gastrointestinal system, and immune system, depriving these patients of their chance to recover. If you are looking for a natural and gentle way to relieve your pain without side effects, there are many natural and non-invasive pain relief remedies that can be alternatives to painkillers and existing pain relief methods. Please refer to our earlier article on natural ways to relieve pain as well.
Several foods, including common ones, contain nutrients that can help alleviate pain.
Cherries are rich in antioxidants and anthocyanins, which can relieve pain, inflammation, and stiffness. Studies have found that the anti-inflammatory effect of tart cherries is 10 times stronger than that of aspirin, and other types of cherries also have similar effects.
Nutritional Yeast
Nutritional yeast is rich in vitamin B group, and it can quickly relieve the pain caused by nerve inflammation. That’s why some call it “nerve food.”
Butterbur is a Chinese herb that can reduce swelling and pain, detoxify the body, and remove blood stasis. According to the German-language book “The Healing Arts of Tomorrow,” three cancer patients who were using morphine for pain relief were relieved of all their pains after taking butterbur. The plant can be decocted in water or pounded into juice.
Curcumin in turmeric has a variety of health benefits, as it’s anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, anti-cancer, and provides pain relief. According to research, the pain relief effect of turmeric is comparable to that of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. The difference is that turmeric has no adverse side effects. Curcumin can also inhibit tumor growth and force cancer cells to undergo apoptosis. Furthermore, consuming curcumin and black pepper together can significantly increase the absorption rate of curcumin in the intestines.
According to media reports, a British woman with stage 3 myeloma had a second recurrence after several rounds of chemotherapy and stem cell transplants, and the cancer was causing her back pain. One day she learned about the anti-cancer effects of curcumin online and decided to give it a try. She took 8 grams of curcumin a day, and her condition gradually improved and eventually stabilized, and her cancer index returned to normal.
Habanero Pepper, Garlic, and Ginger Paste
According to a case documented on healingcancernaturally.com, a woman had cancer spread to her lungs, breasts, arms, and lymph nodes. She had trouble breathing and was in excruciating pain for two days in a row. After learning about a dietary treatment, she immediately tried it, and felt much better after five minutes. Her body returned to normal in less than seven hours, and the pain relief lasted for 12 hours.
This dietary treatment comes from William Kelley Eidem, author of “The Doctor Who Cures Cancer,” and his method is as follows:
- Take one fresh habanero pepper (can use ginger as a substitute) and two cloves of garlic, grind them, and spread the mixture onto a toast to eat daily. (The active ingredients in the pepper and garlic will dissipate after grinding, so you must grind and eat them immediately.)
- Consume one to two tablespoons of emulsified cod liver oil daily.
Many studies have found that chili peppers (containing capsaicin), garlic (containing allicin and sulfide), and ginger (containing gingerol) have a strong anti-cancer effect, and can help reduce inflammation and pain.
Noni Juice
Noni contains many antibacterial, anti-cancer nutrients, and it can enhance immunity and relieve most of the pain, and the effect is rapid.
American biochemist Dr. Ralph Heinicke researched and discovered that noni is rich in proxeronine, which helps repair cells and metabolize toxins. He suggests that patients with severe pain drink noni juice in small amounts frequently (at least every hour), even when awake at night.
The University of Hawaii research and some subsequent studies have shown that the biggest benefit of noni juice is that it stimulates the body to produce nitric oxide, which is a signal molecule that regulates blood circulation and major organs of the body. It can also strengthen the immune system and inhibit the growth of tumors.
It should be noted that it is best to drink noni juice on an empty stomach to avoid damage of its performance by stomach acid.
Patients with liver or white blood cell damage (especially patients after chemotherapy or radiation therapy) should not drink noni juice.
The best noni juice is cold-pressed, with no added sugar.
Budwig Diet
The Budwig Diet is a natural treatment for cancer developed in the 1950s by German biochemist, pharmacologist, and lipid expert Dr. Johanna Budwig, and has been in popular use for more than half a century. At the heart of the treatment is an “oil-protein” diet, a recipe that mixes cold-pressed flaxseed oil with cottage cheese in a 1:2 ratio.
This oil-protein mixture, according to Dr. Budwig, has the function of a “respiratory enzyme” that pulls oxygen into cells, restores the body’s immunity, cures cancer, and relieves pain. In her book, Dr. Bugwig stated that an oil-protein diet, combined with oil massages or oil enemas (by using flaxseed oil or Dr. Budwig’s own invention Eldi oil), can completely replace anesthetic drugs.
According to healingcancernaturally.com, a 73-year-old man had terminal lung cancer and only one to three months left to live. He could not bear the torment of chemotherapy, and the pain was so severe that he had to go to the hospice inpatient unit to use morphine to relieve the pain, and he was ready to die in the hospital. At this time, his friend suggested he try the Budwig Diet, and he took the advice and started eating an oil-protein diet (6 tablespoons of oil and 12 tablespoons of cheese) every day. Soon, his condition took a turn for the better. Then he returned for a checkup, and the tumor on his right lung didn’t have any change, but the tumor on his left lung was completely gone.
The Budwig Diet should start with 1 tablespoon of oil and 2 tablespoons of cheese per day, and gradually increase the amounts, with the final amounts determined by the severity of the disease, up to a maximum of 8 tablespoons of oil and 16 tablespoons of cheese per day.
In addition to the oil-protein diet, there are a number of daily recipes recommended for the Budwig Diet, including a variety of fresh vegetables and fruits, fruit and vegetable juices, sauerkraut juice, green tea, herbal teas, champagne, and red wine. However, animal proteins and animal lipids are not recommended (with the exception of cottage cheese), and processed foods and refined oils are prohibited. In addition, Dr. Budwig emphasized that patients should go outdoors daily to receive sunlight in order to enhance the effect of dietary therapy.
Organic Wines
Organic wines are good for blood circulation and also have an analgesic effect. According to a study by the University of Greenwich in England, the pain-relieving effect of wine is even higher than that of drugs such as paracetamol. Dr. Budwig also affirmed the benefits of wines. She stated in her book that wines can be used to overcome pain and insomnia. “A glass of wine is often more useful than pills, and more beneficial to the body.”
Laughter can stimulate the body to produce endorphins (also known as “morphine in the brain”), neurotransmitters with analgesic effects similar to morphine and opium and natural painkillers. Research shows that watching humorous TV shows or reading comics can help relieve pain and improve symptoms. However, forced smiles or polite smiles do not work. The laughter must come from the heart to have an effect.
Holding Hands and Hugging
A study in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS) found that holding the hand of a partner of the opposite sex who is experiencing pain for two minutes can reduce the partner’s pain by half. According to experiments, when partners hold hands, the suffering party seems to receive the lover’s “empathic” messages. At this moment, their brain waves tend to synchronize, and this synchronized energy will eliminate the pain.
Another study pointed out that the action of hugging also has a pain-relieving effect. Hugging can stimulate the parasympathetic nerves, prompting the brain to release dopamine and serotonin, which have the effect of relieving stress, relieving pain, and boosting immunity.
Sitting in Meditation
A 2011 study in the Journal of Neuroscience pointed out that the pain-relieving effect of meditation is much better than morphine. An hour of meditation training can reduce pain intensity by 40 percent and painful discomfort by 57 percent, which is higher than the 25 percent pain-relieving effect of morphine, and meditation does not have the side effects of morphine.
Experiments have shown that before meditation, the area of the brain responsible for determining the location and level of pain is very active. However, during meditation, this area cannot be scanned for any activity. Why is meditation so powerful? Researchers believe that meditation does not only work in one area of the brain, but that it involves multiple brain mechanisms to significantly reduce pain.
In recent years, more and more research has confirmed that meditation can improve many physiological functions of the body, and can even modify and repair DNA. Therefore, the mainstream medical community has gradually recognized the health benefits of meditation, and some hospitals have even included meditation as an adjunctive therapy for cancer, guiding patients to practice meditation to relieve pain or improve symptoms.
Falun Gong
Falun Gong is an ancient Chinese cultivation practice (commonly known as a qigong) that emphasizes both spiritual cultivation and exercises. There are testimonies from around the world that the practice of Falun Gong can purify the body and quickly eliminate diseases. According to a survey conducted by the General Administration of Sports in China in 1998, the effectiveness of Falun Gong in eliminating illnesses and diseases was nearly 98 percent.
According to Minghui.org, a breast cancer patient in Liaoning, China, had one breast removed, but the cancer still spread to her lungs and stomach, causing swelling all over her body. After seven or eight rounds of chemotherapy, she could no longer undergo chemotherapy. She was in pain, unable to eat or sleep, and her doctors advised her family to prepare for her funeral. A friend introduced Falun Gong to her at that time. So she began to learn the practice in order to survive. After 10 days of practice, her swelling and pain gradually subsided and disappeared. Two months later, she returned to the hospital for a full-body checkup, and her cancer cells had completely disappeared.
A 2016 study by the American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) confirmed that practicing Falun Gong can prolong the survival of patients with terminal cancer and improve or cure their symptoms. The study showed that 97 percent of the patients’ cancer symptoms disappeared after practicing Falun Gong, and the average time to symptom relief was only 1.3 months.
The Falun Gong teachings and books are all available on Minghui.org, and they can be read or downloaded for free.
Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT)
EFT is a set of simple energy therapies developed by Gary Craig in the 1990s based on the Meridian Psychology of psychiatrist Dr. Roger Callahan. Simply put, this method combines Western psychology and traditional Chinese medicine’s meridian theory to provide rapid stress relief and pain relief. In Europe and the United States, EFT is widely used by psychologists, psychological counselors, and medical professionals.
The method of using EFT is very simple. A patient talks about (or thinks about) the problem that is bothering him or her (such as depression, anxiety, fear, anger, or any discomfort such as pain), while gently tapping the acupuncture points on his or her face, body, and hands with fingertips to open up the blockages in the meridians (caused by negative emotions) and resolve them at the same time.
Craig has helped many patients with EFT. One man had a very aggressive form of prostate cancer that caused him constant discomfort in his prostate glands and severe pain once every week or two. The pain was so severe that his entire body would curl up. After studying EFT with Craig, his Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA) index dropped by almost half, and all of his discomfort and pain disappeared.
Although some of the pain relief methods described above are for cancer pains, they are also suitable for pain relief in general. These natural pain relievers can be used alone or in combination, and may be used flexibly according to personal convenience and preference. It is also worth mentioning that these pain relieving treatments are themselves methods of health maintenance. Besides pain relief, they can also strengthen the immune system and prevent diseases.
Important Notice: This article was originally published at www.theepochtimes.com by Health 1+1 where all credits are due.
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