Diabetes Management: Here’s How Tomatoes May Help Manage Blood Sugar Levels

Diabetes management: This tangy delight that has been a part of your curries, soups, and salads is one of the most nutritious additions you can make to your diabetes diet, here’s why.

According to the estimates by WHO, 422 million adults were living with diabetes in 2014, compared to 108 million in 1980. This means that the global prevalence of diabetes has almost doubled in the past two to three decades. Experts are predicting even worse outcomes. Diabetes is said to become the world’s seventh-largest killer by the year 2030. Diabetes is defined as a group of diseases that cause abnormal metabolizing of sugar, which leads to a surge in your blood glucose levels. Lack of awareness and late diagnoses makes it difficult for people to manage diabetes, and if diabetes is not managed well it could lead to a number of complications. While diabetes is tough to reverse, there are many ways to manage it. This lifestyle disease can cause a toll on your health in multiple ways. A disciplined lifestyle, regular check-ups, and maintaining a healthy weight are factors you must watch out for. A well-balanced diet, including whole grains, pulses, fruits and vegetables, and low-fat dairy, is important to follow; moreover, avoiding saturated and trans-fats are also crucial for diabetes management. One must prioritize foods that are rich in fibre and low in glycaemic index (GI). One fruit that is said to be an ideal pick for diabetics is tomato. This tangy delight that has been a part of your curries, soups, and salads is one of the most nutritious additions you can make to your diabetes diet, here’s why.

Diabetes Management: What Makes Tomatoes An Ideal Pick For Diabetes?

Tomatoes offer a bundle of health benefits. They are loaded with potassium, vitamin C, and lycopene. Lycopene is a pigment that gives tomatoes its signature colour; helps reduce the risk of heart disease and prevent macular degeneration too. What makes tomatoes a diabetic superfood is their low carbohydrate content. People with diabetes are often asked to check their carbohydrate intake. Carbohydrates, especially refined kinds, get metabolised quickly and causes blood sugar spike. Tomatoes are non-starchy and also have a low glycaemic index. The glycemic index is a relative ranking of carbohydrates in foods. About 140 grams of tomato has a GI of less than 15, which makes it a low GI food and an excellent food for diabetics. Any food that has a GI score lower than 55 is good for diabetics.  Tomatoes also have low calories, which help you keep your weight in check. Diabetics often face a lot of problems with their weight. Including tomatoes in your diet may help maintain a healthy weight.

As per a study published in the International Journal of Food Science and Nutrition, 200 grams of raw tomato (or about 1.5 medium tomatoes) each day reduced blood pressure in people with type-2 diabetes.  It was also found that tomato consumption might help reduce the cardiovascular risk that’s associated with type-2 diabetes.

How To Include Tomatoes In Your Diabetes Diet?

The best part about tomatoes is that you can have them both raw and in cooked forms. Just choose fresh tomatoes and cut them up into small pieces and enjoy them with a sprinkle of rock salt. You can soup them or throw them in salads and sprouts too. Tomatoes make for a great sandwich filling and a great topping for veggies and chicken.

Important Notice: This article was originally published at www.ndtv.com where all credits are due.


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