Can Aloe Vera Help With Wound Healing?

Our body has a complex system to patch up skin wounds. When it comes to wound healing, there are a number of parts and steps that come together to repair the body (1).

A human body heals a wound in stages that include preventing too much blood loss, defending and cleaning the area, and repairing and healing (1).

We must know that delayed wound healing increases our chance of microbial infection. The improved wound healing process is required to shorten the time needed for healing or lower the risk of infection. Over the years, there is an increasing interest to use medicinal plants in wound healing. According to studies, medicinal plants improve wound healing in diabetic patients’ infected and open wounds. These plants work by promoting blood clotting, fighting against infection, and accelerating wound healing (2).

Aloe Vera For Wounds

Aloe vera is a must-try remedy when it comes to burns, ulcers, and surgical wounds. It has been used by Egyptians, Romans, indigenous peoples of Africa Asia, and the Americas as a wounds-healing agent for many years. Its leaves have acetone that exhibits stronger antimicrobial activity than alcohol and aqueous extracts. In addition to this, it also contains other compounds with known antimicrobial activity including saponins, acemannan, and anthraquinone derivatives (3).

Many studies have shown that A. vera plays an important role in promoting wound healing. Adding A. vera to wound dressing has become an ideal way (4). Some other way of using it is by applying a thin layer of aloe vera gel to the area or dressing the wound in a bandage soaked in aloe vera gel.

In a study, experts have found that Aloe vera can be used to retain skin moisture and integrity. Its mucopolysaccharides, amino acids, zinc, and water content prevent skin ulcers. When it comes to the quality and speed of wound healing, it is much more effective and less costly compared to the currently available alternative treatments (5).




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