Lily is a plant with trumpet shape flowers found in many colors like red, orange, pink, and yellow. Dried lilies are loaded with fiber, and potassium while lily bulbs have proteins and starch as well as small amounts of calcium, iron, phosphorous, Vitamin B1, vitamin B2, and Vitamin C. Moreover, these bulbs may help promote lung health, heart health, and vital fluid and improves skin complexion (1).
What are the possible benefits we can obtain from lilies?
Heart Health
Present in lily flowers is active glycosides and flavonoids which tend to stimulate the arteries and cause them to dilate. They may help regulate our heart rate thereby allowing our heart to function more efficiently. Moreover, the flower also minimizes the irritability of the myocardium without actually resulting in an increase in the oxygen level that is essential to function by the heart muscle (2).
Skin Health
The essential oil from the beautiful flower helps regenerate skin cells and makes the skin smooth, supple, and free of blemishes. It is alkalizing on the skin, regulates pH levels, and prevents fine lines, wrinkles, and premature ageing. Furthermore, the oil has moisturizing and soothing properties which help to prevent dry skin and skin cracks (3).
We can actually mix lily flower oil with coconut oil and massage it all over the desired area.
May Promote Good Sleep
Having the plant in our room may help promote deep and restful sleep by ridding our room of pollutants like benzene and formaldehyde. Having a good night’s sleep is beneficial for the proper functioning of our vital organs and for our mental as well as emotional health (4).
Eye Health
The flower may provide some help in various eye diseases like conjunctivitis and sensitive eyes. It has been used in several eye drops and other applications (2).
Respiratory Health
Lily bulb, the portion of the lily plant that resides below the ground, is taken as a way to treat dry coughs and sore throats by moistening the lungs and respiratory system (5). In some parts of the world, medicinal tea made from the roots of certain lily plant varieties is consumed as medicinal teas to treat coughs and fevers.
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