There are a number of reasons why a person might plant a garden. One of the most popular reasons for doing so is to have fresh fruits, vegetables, and herbs to use in cooking and at the table. For many people, their thoughts for planting a garden rarely venture beyond their taste buds.
In addition to herbs being added to dishes of all varieties in order to amplify their tastes, they can also be used to fight some of the most prevalent diseases of today. The incidences of cancer continue to rise, leading many people to look at their own behavior and lifestyle to discover if there is anything they could be doing to increase their ability to fight it.
Often dismissed as only a garnish by many in the kitchen, parsley is an herb that deserves further exploration. Apigenin is an oil that is contained within parsley. This oil has been shown to prevent the formation of the blood vessels that carry nutrients to cancerous tumors – a process known as angiogenesis.
Dill contains compounds that are beneficial in fighting cancer. Called monoterpenes, these compounds stimulate an enzyme, glutathione-S-transferase. This enzyme is a powerful antioxidant that is particularly effective at targeting different types of carcinogens, especially free radicals. Dill also contains essential oils that are known to stimulate digestive juices, activating bile production helping the intestines function healthily.
This woody-scented herb contains a naturally occurring substance that stops the cancer cells located in tumors from reproducing. These terpenes contain fatty acids that also make the cancerous cells die eventually. Cancer research has shown that it can be used along with some drugs to make cancer cells more welcoming to chemotherapy.
Eating mint aids in depriving cancerous tumors of the blood supply they need to thrive and grow. Eventually, without this source of nutrients, these tumors die. Mint leaves contain a phytochemical that cuts off this supply.
Long used for medicinal treatments, today there are more than 350 species of thyme across the globe. Like rosemary, thyme contains terpenes. In the case of thyme, these terpenes are in the form of thymol. In addition to its anti-cancer properties, thyme is also an antioxidant, an antiseptic, and an antibacterial. It is also an anti-inflammatory, making it particularly useful for reducing swelling in the throat and mouth.
To aid in good health, it takes only the addition of a few key herbs. It is easy to enjoy a tasty meal while also giving the body the tools it needs to fight cancer. One of the great things about these herbs is that they can be used in every meal for the maximum benefits.
About the Author:
Dr. Sofiya has written articles on most health-related topics, including traditional medicine, alternative and naturopathic and natural treatments,health insurance, wellness, medical marijuana, diets, and fitness.
Important Notice: This article was originally published at by Dr. Sofiya where all credits are due.