Raw mangoes are one of the most delightful foods during summer. The fruit has a myriad of essential vitamins such as vitamins C, K, A, B6, and folate as well as calcium, and magnesium that all provide a host of healing benefits. Adding them to our diet may help us enjoy its multiple benefits listed below.
Good For Liver Health
Consumption of raw mango may be beneficial for the health of our liver. It contains acids that increase the secretion of bile acids and clean the intestines of bacterial infections. Also, a study revealed that the secretion can help boost the absorption of fat by cleansing the toxins out of the body.
Helps Prevent Dehydration
Excessive loss of water from the body can be prevented by eating unripe mangoes with salt. It may also protect us from the negative effects of very high temperatures. By drinking unripe mango juice, we will be able to prevent excessive loss of sodium chloride and iron due to excessive sweating.
Helps Boost Immunity
Present in raw mangoes are essential nutrients that help improve the immune system, such as vitamin C and vitamin A. These important components also improves vision, makes our skin and hair healthy and lowers the risk of prostate cancer as well as protecting our body from various infections like the common cold, cough, etc.
Helps Treat Blood Disorders
Studies revealed that green mangoes increase the elasticity of blood vessels and also helps in producing new blood cells. Consumption of it has been found to be beneficial in treating common blood disorders such as blood clots, anemia, hemophilia, etc.
Helps Treat Gastro-Intestinal Disorders
Unripe mangoes are the best sources of pectin. If mixed with honey and salt, it may help treat gastrointestinal disorders. It is also considered very effective natural medicine for morning sickness, chronic dyspepsia, diarrhea, piles, indigestion, and constipation.
Heart Healthy Treat
Due to its richness in essential B vitamin niacin and fiber, raw mango may help promote the health of the heart. It helps in lowering cholesterol levels, improving blood circulation, and preventing the risk of cardiovascular diseases.
Different Ways Of Consuming Raw Mangoes
Simply sprinkle it with salt or pepper and eat raw.
Raw mango salad: This delicious mango salad can be made with healthy ingredients like raw mango, mint, lettuce, onions, chili, and honey. This salad is a perfect mixture of sweet, spicy and sour flavors.
Raw mango chutney: Another great way of consuming raw mango could be in the form of chutney or dip. Simply take some freshly chopped raw mangoes and put them in the blender. Add some green chilies, salt, and some chopped ginger and garlic. Optionally, coriander leaves can also be added. Blend it well.