Help Fight Infections, Improve Respiratory Health And More With Licorice Root

Licorice root is used for centuries for its medicinal benefits. Also known as sweet root, it has become an important herb that is used in traditional medicine. It is available in many forms, including tea, powder, and liquid extract.

Found inside the licorice roots is a super-sweet compound called glycyrrhizin and dozens of more chemicals with medicinal potential.

Continue reading to learn about the health benefits of licorice root.

Helps Fight Infections

A 2010 study showed that the glycyrrhizin in licorice helps damaged skin create bacteria-fighting proteins called antimicrobial peptides, which are an important defense against infection. This could possibly help in fighting off antibiotic-resistant infections, including those that occur in severe burns.

May Help Improve Respiratory Health

This ancient herb may help alleviate from upper respiratory infections caused by bacteria, get rid of mucus from the lungs, and help relax bronchial spasms.

Rebecca Park, RN, founder of the website, says:

“Licorice can be used for the treatment of severe respiratory issues, including cough, sore throat, asthma, and bronchitis.”

Helps Reduce Stress

Stress has negative effects on our health. Long-term stress can leave the adrenal glands exhausted by constantly producing adrenaline and cortisol. Licorice root extract can provide some relief and stimulate the adrenal glands which in turn, promotes a healthy level of cortisol in the body.

Helps Protect The Skin And Teeth

Licorice has antibacterial properties that can be helpful in treating eczema. psoriasis, inflammation, sunburn, persistent skin redness, and athlete’s foot. The topical application of licorice extracts can be used to relieve swelling and itchy skin.

Also, holistic practitioners recommend applying licorice to tooth decay to prevent the growth of bacteria connected with cavities and gum disease.

Helps Soothe Digestive Problems

Licorice root is a soothing anti-inflammatory that can be useful in protecting against ulcerative disorders.

Julie Upton, MS, RD, says:

“Licorice is often used for GI symptoms including heartburn, stomach ulcers, colitis, and gastritis or any inflammation of the lining of the stomach or upper GI tract.”

Results of a small study published in the journal Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine revealed that deglycyrrhizinated licorice (DGL) is a safe and effective alternative to over-the-counter stomach ulcer medications.