Medicinal Uses of Balloon Vine

Balloon vine (Cardiospermum halicacabum) is an herbaceous weak plant that belongs to the soapberry family of plants. It bears tiny spreading out white flowers that appear on elongated flower stems measuring anything between 5 cm and 10 cm long. Its leaves are divided into three parts, each having three leaflets which are elongated. The fruit of this plant is filled with air, somewhat triangular and ribbed. Found inside its fruits are three round black seeds, each with a white spot at the base.

Health Benefits of Balloon Vine

Helps Promote Hair Growth

The plant helps promote hair growth and treat itchy scalp and dandruff. For this benefit, we simply need to make our own balloon vine oil. Boil balloon vine plant with sesame oil and then used this as a massage oil before hair wash.

Has Anti-Inflammatory & Antioxidant Properties

This plant possesses powerful antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties. These effects are mainly attributed to its phenols, glycoside, and flavonols. In addition to this, it also has pain-relieving properties that can help us deal with all kinds of inflammations.

Helps Treat Furunculosis

Furunculosis is a deep infection of the hair follicle leading to abscess formation with the accumulation of pus and necrotic tissue. When it comes to this condition, balloon vine can be used as a medicine. After the onset of illness, the fresh whole grass of the balloon vine can be ground into mud-shape and then add some winter honey to make an ointment. Directly apply this on the affected area once or twice a day for three to five days.

Has Anti-Ulcer Benefits

Balloon vine has mild anti-ulcer effects which are beneficial for those suffering from acidity. Reap this benefit by boiling the leaves of the plant in water and consume as tea.

Potent Remedy Against Diarrhea

Balloon vine contains tannins, flavonoids, alkaloids, sterols, triterpenes and saponin which has been found to possess anti-diarrheal activity. The infusion of the stem and leaves is used against diarrhea and dysentery.

Other Medicinal Uses

  1. The decoction of the root is used in gonorrhea, deworming and erysipelas or subcutaneous skin disease.
  2. The leaves coated with castor oil are applied to rheumatic joints, swellings, and tumors.
  3. A paste made from its leaves is used for dressing syphilitic sores.
  4. When inhaled, the steam of the decoction of leaves relieves headaches.