Benefits Of Rose Water

Rosewater has been used for both health and beauty purposes for a long time now. In ancient Egypt, even Cleopatra started adding it to her beauty routine! The fact that rose water has been passed on from generation to generation gives motivation to at least try it out.

If you are wondering what amazing properties rose water has, here are some.

Skin Benefits Of Rose Water

Rosewater is known to have powerful properties that improve the quality of your skin. Whether you have oily skin, dry skin or a combination of the two rose water can do wonders for you.


Keeping your skin moisturized is an essential step in any skincare routine. Dry skin, especially in cold seasons, could leave you looking dull. If you want an instant moisture boost, grab some rose water and use it on your face daily. It will give you radiant skin while retaining the perfect moisture levels.

Eases Irritation

At times, our skin can refuse to cooperate. We are prone to things like breakouts, redness, puffiness and other common problems we experience from time to time. Rosewater is essential in preventing these types of irritations through its anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties. Also, rose water has the ideal pH for your skin. It’s similar to the layers on the skin so using it can help restore the balance and reduce irritation.

Tissue Regeneration

As we grow older, our skin can start to wrinkle and become weaker. Tissue and cell regeneration slow down with time which is something we might not be able to fully avoid at one point. When you add rose water to your skincare routine, you get to enjoy its cell regeneration properties as well as anti-aging properties early.

Hair Benefits Of Rose Water

We’ve talked about some of the skin benefits of using rose water so let’s look into the hair benefits it has.

Cuticle Strengthening

Hair breakage and split ends are things we dread. Sometimes we try doing all we can to prevent a lot of breakages and it keeps happening. Boost your haircare routine by adding some rose water. It has properties that strengthen cuticles and keep your hair moisturized daily. Spray it directly to your hair occasionally and watch how it boosts your hair.

Dandruff Prevention And Treatment

Dandruff is an irritating scalp condition that causes you to have a flaky scalp. If you are looking for ways to prevent dandruff from forming on your scalp, start using some pure rose water. It contains antibacterial properties that keep scalp infections at bay and helps you avoid conditions like these.

Hair Growth Stimulation

We all want to have beautiful and healthy hair. It’s sometimes discouraging when you see people thriving with minimal effort and you wonder what you could do to improve your own hair journey. One of the things you can use is rose water because it helps in pH balancing as well as improving blood circulation. Massaging it into your scalp or even rinsing it after you shampoo your hair can help strengthen your hair follicles as well.

Important Notice: This article was originally published at by Esther Muchene where all credits are due.