Menopause is a natural transition that is experienced by every woman in their lifetime. During this phase, the body produces less estrogen hormone thereby causing symptoms like hot flashes, difficulty in sleeping, weight gain, tiredness, irritability, mood swings, and night sweats. Aside from these, menopausal women are also at an increased risk of heart diseases, diabetes, osteoporosis, and obesity.
Amy Jamieson-Petonic, RD, a nutritionist and exercise physiologist in Cleveland, says:
“Good nutrition can make a big change in how you feel with regard to menopause symptoms like mood swings, hot flashes, and exhaustion, as well as bloating and possible weight gain.”
Here are some of the foods that can help soothe symptoms of menopause.
Flaxseed (ALSI)
Present in these power-packed small seeds are phytoestrogens that increase levels of estrogens.
In a small study involving 140 women, researchers have found that 3 months of flaxseed consumption can cause a decrease in menopause symptoms and improvement in the quality of life.
Simply consume them in moderation to manage pre-symptoms of menopause. We can add ½ tsp of flaxseeds on salad, smoothies, and yogurt.
Garlic can give our body a good amount of isoflavones, a naturally occurring phytoestrogen that is beneficial for women who are experiencing bad symptoms during the menopausal stage.
According to studies, cruciferous veggies like broccoli have a positive impact on estrogen levels. It works by increasing estrogen responsible for lowering down one’s risk of breast cancer and lowering the estrogen responsible for increasing the risk. Additionally, this superfood is also packed with fiber to prevent bloating and weight gain as well as calcium for strong bones.
Significant amounts of omega-3 fats are present in fatty fish like salmon, sardines, and tuna. Some research revealed that fish oils can help alleviate depression associated with menopause and lower down triglycerides and total cholesterol levels, which is good for heart health.
Leafy Greens
Leafy greens contain numerous nutrients that are needed by the body, especially if a woman is experiencing menopause. Consumption of these is a great way to obtain nutrients like potassium and calcium for strong bones, magnesium and B vitamins to regulate energy levels and moods, and fiber to prevent weight gain.
Green Tea
Green tea is so much more than a weight-loss tool. This healthy beverage offers a range of health benefits that promote heart health, longevity, and lowers down the risk of inflammation and several cancers.
Other Helpful Tips To Follow
- Be active. Regular exercise improves mood, reduces the risk of heart disease, and ease hot flashes.
- Foods such as spicy food, processed foods, caffeine, and alcohol may worsen hot flashes. Avoid them as much a possible.
- Don’t smoke—that will only increase the risk of heart disease even more!