Garlic And It’s Role Against Cancer

Garlic is a spice that is used for flavoring in cooking. This popular ingredient has been widely used due to its variety of health benefits. Even one clove of garlic daily has been linked with a reduced risk of some cancers.

Garlic Against Cancer

This common spice has antioxidant, antibacterial, antiviral, and anti-inflammatory properties that can help prevent cancer by enhancing genetic repair, slowing down cell proliferation and inhibiting the formation of carcinogenic substances in the body. Also, a rich amount of selenium, sulfur, and flavonoids are present in the knobs and cloves of garlic. And once this superfood is crushed or chopped, it produces a compound known as allicin.

Several researchers have found that allicin is a potent plant compound with anti-cancer, antibiotic, and anti-fungal properties. Meanwhile, flavonoids are considered to have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties that prevent cell damages in order to lower our risk of cancer. Selenium and allyl sulfides are another plant compound in garlic which has the cancer-fighting ability since they are capable of inhibiting damage to cells’ DNA or stimulating the body to repair damaged DNA, thereby lowering a person’s chance of getting the diseases.

In a 2019 study, results have shown that garlic can possibly affect the pathways in cancer growth in a number of ways. It can cause cell cycle arrest, reduce the ability of cancer cells to promote the growth of new blood vessels and increase the rate of apoptosis (programmed cell death) of cancer cells. Garlic has been found to be beneficial at reducing the chance of getting breast, colon, stomach, prostate, esophageal, and pancreatic cancer.

Other Known Benefits of Garlic

Helps Prevent Heart Diseases

Studies revealed that due to the garlic’s antioxidant properties, it can help lower down cholesterol levels, regulate blood pressure, and blood sugar levels. Simply consume garlic on a daily basis raw or semi-cooked to enjoy its benefits.

Helps Boosts Immunity

Found in garlic are phytonutrients that can help reduce oxidative stress thus boosting our immunity, reducing fatigue, and increasing energy and longevity.

May Help Detoxify Heavy Metals in the Body

Garlic has sulfur compounds which can help protect our organs against damages from heavy metal toxicity. Studies found that consumption of the herb cab help reduces lead levels in the blood by 19% as well as many clinical signs of toxicity, including headaches and blood pressure.

Helps Treat Yeast Infections

Candida is the most common type of yeast infection. Its growth can be inhibited by a fresh garlic extract. It works by destroying fats present in the outer surface of the yeast.

Helps Control Asthma

Control asthma attacks by drinking a glass of milk with three boiled cloves of garlic before going to sleep. Also, a crushed clove with malt vinegar can provide relief for patients with asthma.

Helps Boosts Digestion

Including garlic in our daily diet can enhance digestion and help treat digestive problems. It can lower down levels of inflammation or irritation of the gastric canal, relieves stomach gas, and help with conditions such as diarrhea, dysentery, and colitis.

Helps Alleviate Cold and Cough

Eating garlic cloves may lessen the severity of common cold and cough symptoms. In a 2014 study which was published in the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, experts have found that people who took garlic every day for three months instead of a placebo had fewer bouts of cold as compared with the placebo group.

Unlike some studies looking at cancer prevention and foods, it may only take a small amount of garlic to receive its cancer reduction effects.

Helps Speed Up Wound Healing

Due to its antibacterial properties, garlic can be an effective home remedy for an infected wound. Simply place 2 crushed cloves on the infected area to get instant relief.

Simply combine garlic with cruciferous vegetables, fruits, dietary fiber, and regular exercise. Doing this can help us reap the benefits mentioned above.