The Power Of Plants: How The Compound Salvestrol Help Fight Cancer

Found in plants are substances that can help us fight off different illnesses. We are really thankful that mother nature has been able to provide us with whole foods that contain particular compounds that can protect us against cancer cells.

Salvestrols, a plant’s protective substance, has been found to have the potential of targeting cancer cells without harming healthy cells. This naturally occurring compound help fight fungi in fruits and vegetables. Researchers have found that it is essential for the human being as it can significantly fight off diseases.

Where Can I Find Salvestrols?

For those Individuals who want to utilize the anti-cancer properties of salvestrols, you can find it in some organic fruits and vegetables listed below:

Fruits: red fruit, strawberries, mulberry, melon, pineapple, olives, berries, grapes, apples, mango, plums, figs, raspberries, mandarin, and oranges.

Herbs: dandelion, rose hip, milk thistle, parsley, basil, Mayflower (berry), rosemary, thyme, sage, mint, rooibos, plantain, chamomile, agrimony, and lemon beebrush.

Vegetables: green vegetables, artichokes, wild carrots, celery, all types of cabbage, cucumber, spinach, pumpkin, courgette, asparagus, watercress, rocket, capsicums, avocado, and aubergine.

Salvestrols And Cancer Cells

In an initial research in early 2000’s, Gerry Potter, Professor of Medical Chemistry at De Montfort University in the UK, and Dan Burke, Professor Emeritus at North Carolina State University, found that salvestrols has a deadly effect to a particular enzyme known as ““CYP1B1” which is found within cancer cells regardless of oncogenic origin, while being absent from healthy tissues.

Burke described salvestrols as “probably the most significant breakthrough in nutrition since the discovery of vitamins” while Potter coined the name salvestrols from a Latin word salve, meaning “to save.”

According to the researchers, once the plant substance is taken in by a cancer cell it is metabolized by CYP1B1 and the metabolic process itself quickly causes cancer death or apoptosis while leaving healthy cell unaffected. The study revealed that salvestrols can be effective on breast, lung, bladder, prostate cancer.

There were also studies showing that “activation of the mitochondrial pathway of apoptosis” is prompted once patients took substances within the phytoalexin category (salvestrols belong to this category)

Prominent scientists have been supporting salvestrols’ effect on human. There were case studies published which show how diseased patients reap positive effects from using salvestrols.