There are lots of dishes, raw and cooked alike, that won’t taste complete without onions. Some recipes call for red onions, while others require white onions. Are there other differences between them aside from their colors?
Even though red onions and white onions are evidently the same save for their coloration, yes, each has some pros and cons to offer. Continue reading to know the benefits that red onions and white onions offer respectively.
Red Onions
They Offer Better Protection Against Cancer
Thanks to loads of quercetin and other compounds with antioxidant properties found in red onions, they may lower cancer risk so much better than white onions. Some of the types of cancers that red onions may help keep at bay, according to numerous scientific investigations, include oral, laryngeal, esophageal, gastric, colorectal and ovarian cancer.
They Pack More Antioxidants
Everyone knows that antioxidants are good for the health because they are the ones that neutralize excess free radicals — those harmful molecules that damage healthy cells of your body. This does not mean, however, that the amount of antioxidants in white onions is not impressive. It just so happens that red onions have more of them than their white-colored counterparts.
They Help Prevent Anemia
One of the minerals present in red onions is iron, and it’s something so important for keeping the number of your red blood cells or RBCs optimal. Otherwise, your blood may not be able to effectively supply your body with oxygen because RBCs are the ones capable of carrying oxygen molecules. Do take note that white onions have iron, too, but in slightly lesser amounts.
They Have Quercetin
A type of flavonoid, scientists say that quercetin is very good for the cardiovascular system because it helps in lowering both bad cholesterol and high blood pressure. By the way, other foods that supply your body with quercetin include apples, red bell peppers, tomatoes and others that are red in color. White onions also have quercetin but in smaller amounts.
White Onions
They Let You Enjoy More Antioxidants
Cooking can definitely destroy some antioxidants. Since you are not going to have a hard time eating white onions raw, you get to enjoy more of those free radical-fighting antioxidants! When peeling white onions, remember to remove only the very thin skin around them. You don’t want to discard the first few layers next to the skin as they contain much of white onions’ powerful antioxidants.
They Prevent Birth Defects
Another important nutrient present in white onions is folate. A type of B vitamin, folate is highly beneficial for pregnant women as it helps in warding off neural tube defects, which entail abnormalities in the brain and spinal cord of babies. A pregnant woman has a heightened sense of smell. But thanks to the milder taste as well as the smell of white onions, she can easily add them to her diet.
They Help Strengthen The Immune System
One of the key nutrients present in white onions is vitamin C. As everybody knows, it’s something that is so important for keeping the immune system in excellent shape. Most especially when the season for various respiratory tract infections is nearing, include more white onions in your diet, which can be so easy to do as they have a milder flavor than red onions.
They Have A Milder Flavor
In fact, some varieties possess some level of sweetness, making them so easy to love. Because of this, it’s so much easier to incorporate white onions into one’s diet on a regular basis. And thanks to their flavor that’s milder than that of red onions, you are not going to have a hard time consuming white onions raw, which is something that comes with perks as you will learn next.