Tips To Reduce Your Number Of Sick Days

We all know that “health is wealth” and there are times wherein we feel a little jealous of people who rarely get sick, have a strong immune system, and healthier life.

You don’t have to envy them anymore. There are simple lifestyle changes that you can do in order to maintain a balance within your body and keep illnesses at bay.

What You Need To Do To Improve Your Immune System

Get A Move On

Exercise boosts your immune system and provides many benefits. It is the single most important thing you can do to reduce sick days.

The moderate heart-pumping workouts spark a rise in the germ-fighting cells in your body and lower stress hormones that can dampen your body’s defenses. It reduces your risk of health problems like depression, type 2 diabetes, dementia, heart diseases, and stroke.

Stay Hydrated

Staying hydrated helps your body flush out excess toxins out of your system and maintain the proper harmony in cellular functioning, which helps in transferring nutrients to different parts of the body.
Try to drink 10 to 12 glasses of water a day to avoid dehydration.

Consume More Fresh Fruits And Vegetables

Eating different fruit and vegetables in their natural and uncooked state is one of the most important aspects of a healthy diet. Try to eat more colored fruits and vegetables. They contain vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that help combat diseases.

Opt for organically grown cabbage, papayas, tomatoes, spinach, apples, yellow and red peppers, and many others.

Proper Sanitizing Habits

Take a bath daily and clean all parts of your body well. Also, regularly check your fingernails for trapped dirt.

Wash your hands properly to avoid becoming sick often. Wash is with regular soap and warm water for at least 20 seconds. Doing this will help lower your chances of contracting serious colds and the common flu.

Lastly, keep your home and surrounding area clean and free of germs.

Have An Active Social Life

People who are socially active are less likely to suffer from infectious diseases, according to a study conducted by Harvard University. Positive social attachments might protect against memory loss and other cognitive disorders.

So, what are you waiting for? Take time out of your busy schedule and see your family members or friends.

Opt For A Well-Balanced Diet

Eating foods rich in nutrients such as vitamins A and C, iron, protein, carbohydrates, fatty acids and so on can help keep your body strong and healthy, thus lowering your risks of cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, and other aging-related diseases.

Keep A Positive Attitude In Life

A positive outlook in life, in your surroundings, as well as in different situations will help you live a healthy life.

Stress and tension will only contribute to many life-threatening diseases such as heart problems, hypertension, diabetes, and others.

Get Enough Rest And Shut-eye

Adequate amounts of sleep and rest are the first step to staying healthy. It can help your body reach a perfect harmonious balance and makes you feel at your best.

Ample sleep of 6 to 8 hours can help you keep your blood pressure and cholesterol levels in normal ranges, reduces inflammation, allows you to handle stress easier, prevents depression, boosts your memory, helps manage body weight, and boost your immune system to ward off viruses and bacteria.

Maintain A Balanced pH Level

A balanced pH (midway between completely acidic and completely alkaline) make the body healthy.
Your body suffers from a condition called acidosis when your pH levels fall below the midpoint. This happens when you consume more sugar and meat. Acidosis cause rapid breathing, confusion, stomach problems, and fatigue.

To resolve the imbalance, you should avoid eating process foods and include cucumbers, dark leafy vegetables, avocados, carrots, asparagus, coconuts, and green beans in your diet.

Stress Management

Stress damages the immune system and the heart, according to a Duke University study. Aside from this, it also increases your chances of contracting bacterial infections, such as tuberculosis.
Learn relaxation techniques to manage your stress. Happy people who can easily manage stress very rarely get sick. You can take a vigorous walk for about a half hour if you are stressed or tensed.