The lack of air flow is one of the unintended side effects of living in a modern building. Due to the less airflow inside your homes, there is a build-up of indoor air pollution and toxins that increase your risk for diseases such as asthma and sick building syndrome.
Even your own carpet, modern furnishings, glues, ovens, cleaning solutions, and synthetic materials (rubber, plastic, and fiber) have harmful chemicals that make up to 90% of indoor pollution.
If you are looking for a more natural, cost-effective and therapeutic way of absorbing these harmful toxins from the air then you may want to try the following houseplants listed below.
Aside from being a decoration for your home, these plants have been found by NASA to have the air-cleaning abilities, especially in enclosed spaces with little air flow.
Here Are Some Plants That Can Help Eliminate Air Toxins Inside Your Home or Office
Rubber Plant
This evergreen tree loves bright, filtered light and a little attention now and then. It eliminates carbon monoxide, formaldehyde, trichloroethylene and more.
Peace Lilies
This plant is one of the top three plants form removing air-borne toxins and chemicals such as formaldehyde, benzene, trichloroethylene, xylene, and ammonia.
Within six hours after being placed in a certain room, Ivy can eliminate 60% of toxins and up to 58% of waste particles in the air.
This plant is ranked the highest for air purification. They’re shown to eliminate common toxins such as formaldehyde, xylene, benzene, ammonia.
Snake plant
This plant only needs a little bit of sunlight for photosynthesis. It releases oxygen in your room throughout the night.
This plant is hated by moths, can remove unpleasant odor, and destroys bacteria. It can relax your nervous system and gives you a good night sleep.
This huge plant eliminates formaldehyde, xylene, toluene, benzene, and trichloroethylene. Keep it in a bright room away from direct sunlight and draft.
Aloe Vera
While releasing oxygen, this spiky plant absorbs carbon monoxide, formaldehyde, and CO2. Aloe vera has also been found to be as powerful as nine biological air cleaners.
Spider Plant
Spider plants, also known as air plants, do not need much light to do photosynthesis. It eliminates carbon monoxide, styrene, formaldehyde, benzene, trichloroethylene, xylene, ammonia, and gasoline, and other toxins.
Bamboo Palm
Bamboo palm likes bright, but not direct sunlight, and does have preferences about its care. It eliminates toxins such as formaldehyde, benzene, carbon monoxide, xylene, and chloroform. Keep it next to your furniture that releases formaldehyde.
Chinese Evergreen
This plant gets more powerful over time. This pretty plant can remove many common toxins such as benzene, carbon monoxide, formaldehyde, and trichloroethylene.
Here are some of the ways you can purify your air in your home:
- Reduce humidity in your air.
- Increase in ventilation.
- Keep your floors clean by vacuuming and mopping.
- Avoid synthetic cleaners or air fresheners.
You can also keep some of the following plants in your home:
- Begonia
- Gerber
- Tree of life
- Azalea
NASA recommends that you keep at least 17 plants in an area of 500 m2. If your home is 80 m2, you need 3-4 plants. It is easy, right? Do not forget to keep one of these plants in your bedroom.