Natural Diuretics That Help Flush Out Excess Water

Our body is made up mainly of water.  It tends to hang on to that water when your hydration level is not balanced.

Water retention can be the result of poor diet, long periods of standing, or warm weather. This can cause inflating and fatigue as well as heaviness in some parts of your body, such as the ankles, legs, and arms. Furthermore, it can make a person’s weight fluctuate by as much as 2 to 4 pounds in a single day.

There are different factors to consider when it comes to water retention. These include diets, genetics, habits, pregnancy, physical inactivity, and menstrual cycle. In fact, during menstruation, women’s breasts are kind of fuller 2-3 days before her cycle.

Due to water retention, a person may experience swollen legs, feet, and ankles; puffiness of the abdomen, face, and hips; weight fluctuations; stiff joints; bloating, especially in the abdominal area; and indentations in the skin, similar to what you see on your fingers when you’ve been in the bath or shower a long time.

Too much consumption salty, fatty, and sugary foods can lead to water retention in the body. These foods stimulate the body to hold the water, thereby making you feel inflated in the abdomen and the extremities. In some cases, water retention can be a symptom of heart or kidney diseases.

Dr. KathleenWyne, a board-certified endocrinologist who practices at Ohio State University, explains that:

“The food you eat can cause your weight to shift during the day. Salt sensitivity can cause you to gain water weight. If you are insulin-resistant you may experience more fluid retention. But anyone who takes in too much salt or who is highly sensitive to salt may feel bloated and want to lose water weight.”


Diuretic stimulates the ejection of water and toxins in our body through the urinary tract. Some of the natural diuretics are:

Diuretic Herbs

Diuretic herbs have antiviral, antioxidant, and antiseptic effects. Some of these herbs are as follows:

Parsley – enhances the elimination of toxins

Bear grapes – This is commonly known as Uvin tea, which helps in cleansing, disinfection of the urinary tract and secretion of the urine.

The Juniper – boosts the kidneys

Tribulus Terrestris – assists in the urinary tract and kidney functions.

Natural Diuretics

  1. A cup of cranberry juice
  2. Dandelion tea, which is a great source of potassium and is very powerful
  3. Lettuce helps boost the metabolism and the elimination of toxins
  4. Asparagus helps better the kidney function as it has plenty of alkaloids asparagines that betters the kidney function
  5. Large amounts of green tea
  6. A mixture of two teaspoons of apple cider vinegar and a glass of water. Consume 2-3 times a day.
  7. Onions, radishes, and horseradish are rich in sulfur ingredients that boost the metabolism and the elimination of toxins
  8. Coconut water refreshes the body and maintains the electrolyte balance
  9. Seeds of anise that are refreshing the body
  10. Tomatoes have plenty of vitamins A and C and are also alleviating the elimination of toxins through the kidneys
  11. Watermelons or cucumbers, as well as other water-rich foods, are rich with sulfur and silicon that boosts the kidney function

Foods Rich In Potassium

Potassium-rich foods can help remove extra water in the body. However, you should be very careful when you consume these foods as the extra amounts of potassium can cause muscle pain and irregular heartbeat if you have some kidney issues. Foods that are packed with potassium include bananas, papaya, apricots, yogurt, strawberries, and tomatoes.

Final Words

Control your consumption of sodium or salt. It only stimulates the water to stay in your tissues because your body needs to keep its sodium-to-water ratio balanced to function properly that’s why it will hold on to water if too much salt is consumed. Eat natural foods, such as vegetables, nuts, and seeds. They are very low in sodium.

Also, you should exercise more. It stimulates blood flow and improves circulation, thus reducing fluid buildup throughout the body, especially in the legs and feet. Consume more fruits and vegetables and drink eight glasses of water a day.