Natural Health Benefits Of Papaya Leaf Juice

Papaya leaves have been famously known for its healing powers. It is extremely beneficial in treating dengue fever, various diseases and is also good for the entire health.

Some studies revealed that papaya leaves contain potent antioxidant properties as well as phytonutrients that have the ability to boost the flow of your blood. The said effects are mostly due to its papain content, alkaloids, and some phenolic compounds.

Did you know that the active components of papaya, papain, and chymopapain can actually improve the protein digestion in your body?

It is actually used in treating digestive problems like bloating. Aside from this, its alkaloid content known as carpaine has been found to contain chemo-preventive properties that can inhibit the growth of tumors and cancer cells.

Health Benefits That Can Be Obtained From Papaya Leaves

Blood Platelet Production

A healthy person has a normal platelet count that ranges from 150,000 to 450,000 platelets per microliter of blood.

It is considered a low platelet count when the count is below 150,000 per microliter.

It is important to maintain your blood platelet in a high level after a serious disease. Papaya leaves juice can boost your platelet production, and help you in staying healthy.

Relieve’s Inflammation

Its anti-inflammatory properties have the ability to decrease inflammation in the body and can prevent inflammatory conditions.

It has a very potent cleansing effect that can heal many chronic diseases, especially of the liver, such as liver cancer, jaundice, and liver cirrhosis.

Boosts Your Energy Levels

When consumed on a regular basis, papaya leaves juice can actually boost your energy levels and aid in preventing fatigue.

Lower Your Blood Sugar Levels

The phytonutrient compounds in papaya leaves act in synergy to display a strong antioxidant and immune enhancing impact in the bloodstream, according to studies.

The juice helps regulate insulin sensitivity, and levels of blood sugar. It can also prevent conditions like fatty liver disease and diabetes.

Prevent Diseases

Found in papaya leaves is a compound which is known as acetogenin that can prevent dengue fever, malaria, and even cancer. It will also strengthen your immune system and aid your body in fighting against bacteria and viruses.

Papaya leaves juice has powerful antioxidants that can make your immune system stronger, improve the health of your cardiovascular, and dilate your blood vessels.

Support The Digestive System

The leaves contain papain, chymopapain, and protease and amylase enzymes that have the ability to help your digestive system in breaking down protein, fats, and carbs.

You can drink papaya leaves juice if you are experiencing digestive issues as it can actually regulate your digestive system.

Additionally, it can also prevent inflammation in the stomach lining and it can get rid of the bacteria just like H. Pylori, which are commonly the main reason behind digestive issues.

Papaya Leaf Recipes

Home Made Papaya Leaf Juice Recipe

  1. Put a handful of the papaya leaves in a blender and combine them thoroughly.
  2. Store the juice in a small bottle in the fridge for at least 5 days.
  3. Combine it with a fruit juice in order to make it tastier. Begin drinking the juice in small amounts because it is bitter and powerful.

Papaya Leaf Tea Recipe

  1. Place 10 medium-sized papaya leaves in 2 liters of water.
  2. Boil them until the water evaporates into its half. After doing so, leave the tea in order to cool down.
  3. Strain it and consume it. Always consume the tea fresh and if you can’t, you can store it in the fridge for at least 5 days.