Cold sores or fever blisters are groups of small, red, swollen blisters that appear on the lips, around the mouth and sometimes in other places on the face. These painful blemishes are caused by viral infection (HSV-1 and HSV-2). It usually lasts from a few days to several weeks depending on how and how fast the sores are treated. There are prescription medications available to treat cold sore symptoms yet, there is no cure for it.
Luckily, a few natural remedies, which are both inexpensive and very effective, are available to help combat cold sores. Read on to learn more.
Ice Cubes
Cold sores around the mouth are so common since HSV thrives in wet, warm places. Apply ice directly to the blemish to stop the virus in its tracks. Let the ice melt down and repeat this every 10-15 minutes for a couple of hours.
L-lysine, or commonly called as lysine, is an amino acid that prevents the duplication of the HSV virus. It can be applied directly to cold sores as an ointment or cream and is widely used in supplement form to prevent outbreaks.
Garlic has antimicrobial properties and can be directly applied to cold sores to speed up healing, reduce swelling, or prevent blisters from forming altogether – if you catch them before they surface.
Simply, slice fresh garlic and hold a piece against the cold sore until such time that it stops stinging. Also, you can just purchase a garlic paste, put a small amount on an empty lip balm, and apply as needed.
Aloe Vera Gel
Aloe Vera gel dries up blisters and promotes faster healing. Pour a small amount of aloe vera gel in a
clean container and apply with a fresh cotton swab or other applicators.
Used Tea Bags
Apply warm, moist pre-brewed tea bags onto skin affected by pinkeye, fever blisters, canker sores,
plantar warts, or any other similar infections to reduce pain, draw out the infection, and help speed the healing process.
Hydrogen Peroxide
Hydrogen peroxide has the ability to dry up and help heal cold sores. In a small bowl, pour a cap full of hydrogen peroxide, soak a clean cotton swab with the liquid and hold against the cold sore until it stops stinging. Repeat as necessary to decrease swelling and dry up blisters.
Rubbing Alcohol
Rubbing alcohol dries up cold sores and retards the replication of the virus. Probably the best method of application is the single-use alcohol wipes as this minimizes the potential for re-contamination and spread of HSV. You can also use sterile pads, cotton swabs, and q-tips for the application. Soak a swab in the rubbing alcohol and hold it against the cold sore until it stops stinging. After doing this, apply a moisturizer to the unaffected areas of your lips to prevent drying and cracking which may allow the cold sore to spread.
For this treatment, 70% isopropyl alcohol is the most widely used dilution.
Lemon Balm
Lemon balm is easy to grow and provides plenty of leaves which can be steeped to make a lemon balm tea. To use this as a remedy for banishing cold sores, just soak a fresh cotton swab in water infused with lemon balm. Apply it regularly to cleanse cold sores and heal them quickly.
Oregano Oil
The natural oils in oregano are powerfully antimicrobial. Application of the oil into cold sores can help reduce swelling and promote faster healing as it kills the virus inside the blisters. With the use of g-tips, apply a couple drops of oregano essential oil directly to cold sores.
Avoid Stress
Stress can cause frequent outbreaks of cold sores. Try out some of these great tips to help you relax.
Take a warm bath
Soak for 15-30 minutes in a warm water with a few drops of lavender essential oil and 1-2 cups of Epsom salt.
Have a daily dose of Matcha
Green tea has been used throughout history to calm the body and mind while simultaneously promoting alertness.
Enjoy a cup of Chamomile tea
Chamomile is known for its soothing effects on the mind and body. You can also try massaging a drop or two of chamomile or Lavender essential oils over your temple, on the insides of your wrists, bottoms of your feet, and along the back of your jaw.
Lower Your pH
HSV thrives in a warm, moist, acidic environment. A low pH, also known as acidosis, might be the reason if you find that your outbreaks are coming more and more frequently. Neutralize your body’s pH and prevent future cold sores from cropping up by trying some of these tips:
Reduce your intake of processed sugars like those used in soft drinks and other sweet “junk” foods. Whenever possible, avoid high-fructose corn syrup.
Cut back on high-glycemic foods like pasta, bread, potatoes, and other grains which cause the body’s pH to drop. Avoid eating high-fat and processed foods as it can cause the body to become more acidic. Increase your intake of fruits and vegetables to around 35% of your total caloric intake.
See to it that you’re getting enough alkalizing minerals like potassium, calcium, and magnesium from your diet or supplements. (Many of these can be obtained in adequate quantities from fruits and veggies.)