Fight Psoriasis With These Natural Treatments

Psoriasis is a chronic immune system disease that can range from mild to severe. Its symptoms appear on the surface of the skin but its real case lies underneath the skin. The excessively active immune system quickens the growth rate of skin cells which leads to inflammation and lesion buildup.

Some factors like skin injury, stress, genetics, infections, environmental factors and the use of some medications can also result in this disease.

Symptoms Of Psoriasis

  1. Plaques of red skin, often covered with white scales or a crust of silver
  2. Itchy, sensitive, and painful loose skin or lesions
  3. Detached nails from their nail beds
  4. Discolored, cracked skin that easily bruises and bleeds
  5. Dandruff on the scalp
  6. Toenail fungus
  7. Discoloration of the fingernails and toenails

Types Of Psoriasis

  1. Erythrodermic psoriasis – It causes red skin scales which peel off in sheets
  2. Nail or scalp psoriasis – it causes dry nails, which can sometimes detach from the nail beds, and it can also affect the scalp
  3. Guttate psoriasis – small red bumps or patches, caused by infection, stress or immune function, or infections and is common among children and teens
  4. Inverse psoriasis – It causes bright red, shiny lesions in areas where the skin folds
  5. Plaque psoriasis – manifested by red, scaly skin patches
  6. Pustular psoriasis – Leads to puss-filled, inflamed, painful blisters on the skin
  7. Mild psoriasis – it is often mistaken for eczema or dandruff because it leads to less severe psoriasis symptoms
  8. Severe psoriasis – It is characterized by painful forms of psoriasis, such as guttate and pustular

Natural Treatments

Here are the most successful treatments you can try if you opt to approach psoriasis in a natural way instead of using medications and creams.

Reduce Stress

Physical and emotional stress worsen psoriasis symptoms and flare-ups because both these factors stimulate the release of inflammatory proteins. Reduce your stress level to control the symptoms.

An Anti-inflammatory Diet

An anti-inflammatory diet will lower autoimmune reactions and relieve the symptoms. Include these foods in your diet:

  1. Foods High In Zinc – eat more pumpkin seeds, kidney beans, flax seeds, and spinach because they support skin health
  2. Probiotics – Probiotic foods treat inflammation, maintain a healthy digestive system, and strengthen the immune system, that’s why include kimchi, tempeh, kefir, and sauerkraut into your diet.
  3. High-fiber foods – this eliminates chemicals out form your body. Increase your consumption of beans, Brussel sprouts, peas, and broccoli.

Vitamin D

According to research, vitamin D improves psoriasis since it slows down the production of skin cells, boosts the immune system, lowers autoimmune reactions, and soothes psoriasis inflammation and symptoms. As much as possible, try to spend much time outside in the sun.

Herbs And Supplements

  1. Probiotics – 50 billion units daily will help digestion and reduce autoimmune reactions
  2. Milk thistle – lower cellular growth and assist the function of the liver in the elimination of toxins by taking 250 milligrams 3 times daily
  3. Vitamin D3 – 5,000 IU daily will strengthen the immune system and soothe the symptoms
  4. Hydrochloric acid – take 1-3 capsules with meals to help digestion and reduce the flare-ups

Moisturize And Use Essential Oils

Keep your skin hydrated in order for you to treat psoriasis and prevent worsening of its symptoms. Moisturize your skin with the use of coconut oil, shea butter, or a homemade body butter lotion. Some essential oils can also calm the irritated skin.

Mix a teaspoon of coconut oil, 3 drops each of lavender oil and frankincense oil. Rub the mixture onto the affected area 2-3 times daily.