A Remedy To Stop Migraines And Headaches Instantly

Migraines or severe headaches are the ways our body signals us that our body is deficient in certain minerals.

When your body is dehydrated and lacks certain nutrients, migraines may be repeated until such time that you pay attention to what you are eating. There are foods that can trigger a migraine and dehydrate your body as well.

How Do You Know You Are Dehydrated?

Being thirsty means that your cells are already dehydrated. A dry mouth should be regarded as the last outward sign of dehydration for the reason that thirst does not develop until body fluids are well below levels required for optimal functioning.

Make sure you are not dehydrated by monitoring your urine:

  1. A clear, colorless urine is produced by a hydrated body.
  2. A yellow urine is produced by a somewhat dehydrated body.
  3. A body which is severely dehydrated produces orange or dark-colored urine.

Even a mild dehydration has effects on the body and these include dry skin, dry mucous membranes in the mouth, fatigue, decreased coordination, decreased urine output, impairment of judgment, and blood pressure changes.

Migraines, headache, allergies, back pain, stress, high blood pressure, asthma, and many degenerative health problems are the result of Unintentional Chronic Dehydration or UCD.

Dehydration, in this case, is the result of you living with insufficient water for many years. This can also be linked to a deficiency in certain minerals, particularly magnesium, as well as the presence of toxicities such as heavy metals.

People who suffer from a migraine are often worried about how to get rid of the terrible pain characterized by this condition. A migraine is not to be taken lightly. In some severe cases, it can take you down for the rest of your day.

Fortunately, there is this method that can trick your body in order to mitigate pain and this only involves two ingredients.

To make this amazing remedy, you will need:

2 tablespoons of lemon juice (juiced with peel is best, squeezed without peel may also work but mildly)
¼ teaspoons of Himalayan Pink Salt or Celtic Sea Salt
A glass of water (about 8oz or 250ml)
1 teaspoon of raw honey (optional)


  1. Stir the ingredients in the water until salt is dissolved.
  2. Drink the mixture and then, follow with another glass of drinking water.
  3. For the next half hour, drink a glass of water every 10 minutes and lie down.
  4. After this, your migraine should be gone. If not, just repeat and drink another glass of salt and lemon juice water and lie down.