Boron is a common denominator between arthritis and prostate cancer. In an article from Natural Health 365, this trace mineral was found to play a big part in ensuring strong bones, healthy joints, and prevention of certain cancers. Boron can be found in your skin, nails, hair and with highest concentrations in the bones. It can be naturally obtained from eating plant-based foods.
This trace mineral is vital in the production of vitamin D that is used to grow and maintain bones; controls the bone-building trio of calcium, phosphorus, and magnesium; and increases the levels of estradiol, a hormone involved with the healthy functioning of bones. Integrative doctors also believed that boron can treat rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis. Moreover, boron also lowers the amount of calcium lost from the bones and helps calcium get assimilated by joints which later on helps preserve joints and cuts back on the pain and swelling caused by arthritis.
Aside from arthritis patients, bodybuilders and athletes are also advised to increase their intake of boron to help them recover from their punishing exercises. Boron has been found to reduce the pain and stiffness that often follows workouts.
Boron, A Cancer-Fighting Trace Mineral
Boron is a powerhouse of antibacterial, antifungal, anti-inflammatory, and antioxidant properties. At present, a growing piece of evidence suggests that boron has also an anti-cancer property.
It was proven to prevent the normal cells from transforming into cancerous cells and stop the growth of existing tumors. In some studies, it can similarly stop prostate cancer cells from growing in size and spreading to healthy parts of the body.
Researchers from the University of Texas claimed that when the amounts of boron taken by post-menopausal women in their home replacement therapy were increased, they are likely to be 50% less vulnerable to the risk of lung cancer. Aside from this, a particular human papillomavirus (HPV) strain responsible for cervical cancer can also be blocked by boron.
Get Your Daily Dose of Boron From Nuts, Fruits, and Other Natural Plant Sources
Normally, our ultimate source of boron are the plants we eat. These plants, in return, draw the trace mineral from the soil. However, you might need to take supplements if the soil from which you get your green food suffers from low amounts of boron. Yet, it would be better if you find a source of plants grown in boron-rich soils.
Included on the list of the best sources of this powerful micronutrient are berries, potatoes, whole grains, apples, beans, avocados, plums, and nuts. Some amounts of boron can also be found in milk and coffee. In order to stay healthy, an average person needs about three to six milligrams of boron each day.
You may suffer from “brain fog” if you have low levels of boron. People with this condition have difficulty in concentrating and are unable to think clearly. Other side effects include impaired dexterity, imbalances in the levels of steroid hormones, and diminished coordination between eyes and hands.
According to studies. People may be more vulnerable to arthritis and prostate cancer if they are not getting enough boron.
So, the best thing to do if you really want to enjoy sturdy joints, strong bones, and a cancer-free life is to increase your intake of foods rich in boron.