Immune-Boosting Garlic and Honey Recipe

Due to its unique and distinctive flavor, garlic is considered to be one of the most powerful natural antibiotics. It is a very common spice found in almost every dish and processed product.

During the ancient times, particularly in Egypt, garlic has been used as a natural way to boost productivity, strength, circulation, and to fight insect infestation as well. The soldiers use it as prevention to certain types of skin diseases and also to enhance their courage during battles.

On the other hand, the Romans used garlic to treat gastrointestinal disorders, heart disease, and joint issues while in parts of China and Japan, it has been popularly used as a remedy for indigestion and respiratory diseases.

It was also written in the Talmud – a Jewish text from the 2nd century – that it was even prescribed as a natural treatment for parasites and other disorders. It was also commonly used in the Middle Ages, the Renaissance, and Early America. No wonder it is still one of the widely used spices in the world.

At present, science has confirmed that they provide the following health benefits:

  1. Prevents coronary heart disease
  2. Detoxifies the body
  3. Regulates cholesterol levels
  4. Relieves cold symptoms and hay fever
  5. Treats fungal infections
  6. Treats motion sickness and treats traveler’s diarrhea
  7. Heals bug bites
  8. Prevents atherosclerosis
  9. Prevents high blood pressure
  10. Boosts the immune system
  11. Prevents heart attacks
  12. Garlic effectively controls the symptoms of osteoarthritis, diabetes, and an enlarged prostate.

With all the facts provided, we will suggest two garlic recipes that will help you enjoy and reap all the amazing benefits of this vegetable.

Allicin – the active compound found in garlic that gives off its incredible qualities. Always crush or chop the clove and leave it aside for 15 minutes to release this active compound before adding it to foods because it gets decentralized by heat.

Garlic and Honey Recipe

This is a powerful immune-boosting natural remedy that can protect you from diseases.


2-3 raw garlic cloves chopped finely
1 tablespoon raw, organic honey


Just mix the two ingredients and take the mixture daily to energize the body and boost your immunity.

Garlic Flu Tonic Recipe

Another great way to boost your immunity is by making this amazing tonic. It is particularly effective in treating common colds and flu.


1 lemon, juiced
5 garlic cloves, chopped
1 tablespoon ginger, chopped
2 red chili peppers, chopped
Raw and unfiltered apple cider vinegar


  1. Gradually add the ingredients in layers inside a 350-500 ml Mason jar.
  2. Add the garlic first, followed by the chili peppers, ginger, and the apple cider vinegar and lemon juice in the end. Leave at least 1 centimeter of space from the rim.
  3. Tightly seal the jar and store it in the pantry.

Take this remedy regularly to treat and prevent such health issues.