STUDIES: Pineapple Juice Found To Be 500% More Effective Than Cough Syrup

Most people, when they get sick, tend to run to the pharmacy for over-the-counter drugs filled with chemicals and artificial dyes. They rarely go for all-natural medications that are free of harmful side-effects. With the rainy days coming at our doorsteps, many of us may suffer from a cough and cold. Are you still reaching for that cough syrup when that happens?

You may not know it but there may be lots of natural remedies lying in your pantry right at this very moment. When it comes to a persistent cough or a sore throat, nothing beats the effectiveness of pineapple juice.

An Indian research conducted in 2010 tested the efficiency in treating tuberculosis using natural substances, such as pineapple juice. In the research, they found out that a mixture of raw honey, pineapple juice, pepper, and salt is extremely effective in dissolving mucus and treat a persistent cough. Patients who suffer from this ailment recovered 5 times faster with the all-natural pineapple mixture compared to over-the-counter cough syrup.

What’s In The Pineapple Juice?

Bromelain – a powerful enzyme that acts as an antioxidant which helps reduce swelling and inflammation of the sinuses. It fights infections and eliminates bacterial buildup.

Vitamin C – a cup of pure pineapple juice contains 50% of your daily recommended intake. This is another powerful antioxidant that soothes a sore throat or a cough and strengthens your immunity as well.

Aside from vitamin C and bromelain, pineapple is also a very good source of other nutrients like Vitamin A, Vitamin B6, magnesium, folate, potassium, thiamin, pantothenic acid, manganese, and riboflavin which are crucial in keeping your body healthy.

Powerful All-natural Cough Suppressant Recipe

It is always best to go for a natural pineapple rather than going for commercially available products that contain too much sugar and artificial additives but low in the actual real fruit. If you have a juicer, make your own instead.


1 cup pineapple juice
¼ cup fresh lemon juice
1 piece of ginger (about 3 inches)
1 tablespoon raw honey
Pinch of salt
½ teaspoon cayenne pepper


Put all ingredients in a blender and blend it all together. Take ¼ cup of this mixture 3 times daily and your sore throat or a cough will be gone in no time.

Note: You can also add a pinch of turmeric to improve digestion and effectiveness of this remedy.