Snoring can sometimes be embarrassing or annoying. However, before you think of snoring as nothing out of the ordinary, you might want to consider this:
According to sleep medicine expert Karl Doghramji, MD, medical director of the Sleep Center at Thomas Jefferson University and Hospitals in Philadelphia:
“People whose snoring is caused by severe sleep apnea have a 40 percent greater chance of dying early than their peers. That’s because this sleep disorder is related to a host of health problems, from heart disease to depression.”
If you snore or have sleep apnea, then this article is for you. Here are some of the conditions you might not know that is related to snoring and sleep apnea.
Heart Disease
People with sleep apnea are twice as likely to have both fatal heart attack and nonfatal heart disease events. Dr. Doghramji stated that:
“We know that sleep apnea is linked to cardiovascular problems, such as high blood pressure and coronary artery disease, eventually leading to possible heart attacks.”
In a research conducted by health experts, it was revealed that the intensity of snoring was related to the risk of carotid atherosclerosis (narrowing of the arteries in the neck due to fatty deposits called plaque) which leads to stroke. The longer and louder you snore, the greater your risk of a stroke.
A condition which is also common in people with sleep apnea is Gastroesophageal reflux disease or GERD. This is because, during their sleep, their throat closes while air moves in causing pressure changes that can suck the contents of their stomach back up into the esophagus. Sleep apnea and GERD are both linked to being overweight.
If you are exhausted due to snoring or sleep apnea, then you might fall asleep, maybe while driving. The sleepier people felt during the day, the greater is their risk for car accident especially if they are driving alone.
Mental Health Issues
Sleep apnea affects your mental well-being. Actually, there was an established linked between snoring, sleep apnea, and depression. A study of 74 snorers showed that the more daytime sleepiness people report, the greater their chances of having anxiety symptoms or mild depression symptoms.
In the long run, people with snoring or sleep apnea are at risk of developing arrhythmia or irregular heart rhythm. The most common type of arrhythmia is atrial fibrillation and according to research, people with sleep apnea are more likely to have this. Over a long period of time, sleep apnea may affect the conductive system of the heart.
A Headache
A research found out a connection between repeated morning headaches and sleep disorders including sleep apnea and insomnia. It was reported that snorers with frequent headaches have a lower quality of life compared to those whose head doesn’t hurt.
Excess Weight
According to Doghramji, half of overweight people have sleep apnea. One of the reasons is because of the extra weight that collects around the neck, thus making it harder to keep breathing at night.
Nocturia is a condition wherein you use to get up to use the bathroom two or more times a night. This includes a loss of bladder control for some people and is linked with snoring for both men and women. According to research, men over the age of 55 who wake up often at night to urinate can have obstructive sleep apnea and benign prostate enlargement.
Fetal Complications
Weight gain is the reason for snoring during the last trimester of pregnancy. It can also be accompanied by an increased risk of fetal complications. If you are pregnant and snores loudly, you should immediately talk to your doctor or ob-gyn.
Less Sexual Satisfaction
Older men who snore more and louder were reported to have lower levels of sexual satisfaction. According to Doghramji, they don’t have the desire for intimate relationship with their wife as they are so affected by their snoring.