Chayote is a vegetable that has a very fresh taste due to its high water content. It is filled with vitamins, minerals, fiber, and antioxidants but is very low in calories. Several studies have shown that chayote is filled with health benefits. So let’s keep on reading and find out how chayote can maintain your overall health!
Helps Treat Kidney Stones
In a study conducted at the University of North Florida, it was revealed that chayote leaves can be used in treating kidney stones. Similarly, its leaves were also found useful in lowering the overall high blood pressure levels.
Helps Prevent Birth Infant Defects
Chayote contains B complex vitamins and folate. Its folate content is so high – you can get 23% of your daily recommended folate intake in only 100 grams of chayote. Folate is needed by pregnant women to help their infant grow and develop in a proper way as well as to prevent infants from suffering any neurological defects.
Helps Lower Cholesterol Levels
As chayote does not contain any saturated fats, it can be used to control your overall cholesterol levels. This vegetable can be beneficial for those dealing with high levels of cholesterol.
Helps Prevent Anemia
Anemia is a condition of having a lower-than-normal number of red blood cells or a quantity of hemoglobin. This condition is due to the body’s deficiency in iron and vitamin B2. Chayote contains these two compounds and consumption of this vegetable can stimulate the overall production of hemoglobin and red blood cells in the body which will prevent anemia from occurring.
Helps Us Lose Weight
Chayote is a vegetable with a very low number of calories (16 calories in 100 grams). Moreover, it contains no cholesterol and no saturated fats at all. Aside from this, chayote contains a lot of fiber, thus good to be consumed by people who really want to lose some weight.
Helps Prevent Constipation
Adding chayote in your diet will increase the amount of your fiber intake and this will help you maintain a proper digestive process thereby preventing constipation from ever happening.
Helps Lower High Blood Pressure
Consuming chayote on a regular basis can help lower your body’s overall blood pressure levels. This has been proven by a study conducted at the Purdue University wherein chayote was used as a tea and consumed in the form of a beverage. According to its results, the veggie was able to lower the overall blood pressure levels in the body.
Can Help Prevent Any Heart Disease Too
One of the essential vitamins present in chayote is vitamin C, which is necessary to prevent the development of many diseases caused by the damage that the free radicals can do – one of them is preventing any heart diseases from happening.
A Great Source Of Energy
Siamese pumpkin or chayote is also an excellent source of potassium – an electrolyte that is found very useful as a source of stamina in the body. 100 grams of chayote has about 125 milligrams of potassium.
Helps Prevent Premature Aging
Chayote has high amounts of flavonoids that help the body combat harmful substances such as the ROS (Reactive Oxygen Species) and the free radicals that cause premature aging and other dangerous diseases.