Dragon fruit, which is also known as “pitaya or pitahaya,” is an exotic and delicious fruit. It is often considered as a tropical “superfood’ due to its wealth of benefits. The most common form of dragon fruit is slightly smaller than a cantaloupe, red, and covered in broad spiky growths.
When you open it, the texture is like a kiwi. Its meat has small black seeds that help in digestion and is used to make wine. The leaves of the dragon fruit can also be steeped for a very healthy form of tea.
Health Benefits Of Dragon Fruit
The health benefits of the dragon fruit are mainly attributed to its antibacterial, antioxidant, and nutritional properties.
Prevents Cancer
Dragon fruits contain other sources of natural antioxidants. Its carotene content has been connected to a number of anticarcinogenic qualities and helps in reducing the size of tumors.
From every direction, this fruit basically boosts your immune system. So, the next time you feel like you often get sick or at a high risk of developing cancer, eat dragon fruits as this might be the answer for you.
Antibacterial Properties
Its antifungal and antibacterial properties can help increase the white blood cell count in the body – which guard the body against toxins and prevent the entrance or growth of fungal and bacterial infections in the organ systems. Moreover, it can also stimulate cell regeneration, thus speeding up healing of bruises and wounds.
Improves Cardiovascular Health
Aside from being an exotic fruit, another unique quality of dragon fruits is that they contain no bad cholesterol and has almost no unhealthy saturated fats. A reduced amount of cholesterol level in the blood is linked to a lower chance of developing plaque in the arteries and veins, therefore reducing the likelihood of suffering from heart attacks, strokes, and atherosclerosis.
Furthermore, dragon fruit seeds also contain good fats which can lead to HDL cholesterol or the “good cholesterol.” It decreases the amount of LDL cholesterol by inhibiting the receptors that it binds to, on the walls of the arteries.
Boosts Immunity
Dragon fruit can give you a serious boost to your defense system. Its high level of vitamin C is one of the powerful assets to your body’s immune system as well as stimulates the activity of other antioxidants in the body, which seek out and removes free radicals that are directly linked to cancer and heart disease.
Boosts Metabolism
Dragon fruit is an unusually good source of protein, which is important for healthy functioning of your body. The proteins you gained from eating fruits, meats and vegetables are metabolized by enzymes in your body in order to be used in speeding up cell repair, enhancing strength and metabolism, and helping you lose weight and increase muscle mass.
Rich In Vitamins
Besides vitamin C, dragon fruit is also packed with other vitamins such as B vitamin group (B1, B2, and B3) which help improve everything from skin health, cholesterol levels, and blood pressure to carbohydrate metabolism and thyroid function.
Aids In Digestion
Due to its higher fiber content, this fruit can help your body bulk up its bowel movements, thereby facilitating smooth passage through the digestive tract, stimulating peristaltic motion, and inducing the release of digestive juices. This will prevent conditions such as irritable bowel syndrome, constipation, and serious diseases like colorectal cancer.