Your Brain Is in Trouble If You Keep on Waking Up In The Middle Of The Night

An adult is recommended to have 8 hours of uninterrupted sleep each night. However, due to the demands of our family and work, we only get less than seven.

Not getting enough sleep is a serious problem. It can have negative effects on your health. Studies have shown a link between waking up during the middle of the night and an increased risk of developing Alzheimer’s Disease.

In a sleep study conducted in the University of Illinois, which involved 516 adults aged 71-78, researchers found out that the proteins associated with Alzheimer’s known as biomarkers were at a peak in the participants who suffered from a respiratory sleep disorder which results to frequent sleep interruptions.

As compared to the average occasional jolt awake, this sleep interruption is much different. Individuals with respiratory sleep disorders have been known to wake up upwards of 60 times per night.

So if you want to boost your relaxation before bedtime, you can make this your official playlist for a sweet slumber:

“Nocturne in E Flat Major Op. 9 No. 2” by Frederic Chopin
“The Boxer” by Simon & Garfunkel
“Weightless” by Marconi Union
“Canzonetta Sul-aria” by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
“Clair de Lune” by Claude Debussy

According to a new study in Hong Kong, participants who listened to music for 30 to 50 minutes before bed every night for three months fell asleep more quickly, slept more deeply, and felt better the next morning.

Aside from this, there were also foods that contain naturally occurring substances that can help you settle down for a quality rest. Included in the list are:


Walnuts have a sleep-enhancing amino acid known as tryptophan that helps in making serotonin and melatonin – the body clock hormone that sets sleep-wake cycle.


Almonds are high in magnesium, a mineral needed for quality sleep.

Cheese and crackers

Any dairy product can help with sleep problems.  Calcium (found in milk, cheese, and yogurt) helps the brain use the tryptophan found in dairy to manufacture sleep-triggering melatonin.


A bowl of your favorite flakes has a combination of carbohydrates (from cereal) and calcium (from milk) that could help you get better sleep.

Passionfruit Tea

Drinking a cup of passion fruit tea an hour before sleeping can help people sleep more soundly. It was believed that Harman alkaloids, which are chemicals found in high levels in the flower, act on the nervous system to make you feel tired.

Chamomile tea

Studies revealed that drinking chamomile tea is associated with an increase of glycine – a chemical that relaxes the muscles and nerves. Also, it acts as a mild sedative as well.


Lettuce has lactucarium, which has sedative properties and affects the brain similarly to opium.


According to a nutritionist named Lindsey Duncan, honey’s natural sugar slightly raises insulin and allows tryptophan to enter the brain more easily. A spoonful of honey mixed with chamomile tea can give you a restful sleep.


Jasmine rice, in particular, brings on shut-eye faster


Kale is high in calcium, which helps the brain use tryptophan to manufacture melatonin. Other good options include mustard and spinach.


Pretzels and corn chips are high in glycemic index. You’ll have a natural spike in your blood sugar and insulin levels after eating them, therefore, shortening the time it takes for you to fall asleep.