Make This Spicy Tomato Juice Recipe To Fight Cancer And Premature Aging

Nowadays, people, as they reach a certain point in their life, faces two major issues they tend to worry about —the risk of cancer and the signs of aging. With the prolonged exposure to UV radiation, the chances of having to deal with either of these issues increase.

Fortunately, the answer to these major issues can only be found in your kitchen as well as in your garden. This miracle food can help you reduce the risks of both cancer and common signs of aging. So, what is this food? Tomatoes!

Did you know that a serving of tomatoes a day can have a large positive impact on your health? This is considered to be a powerful food as it can improve digestion, boost the immune system, and reduce the risk of heart disease.

The greatest benefits from this common food come from its lycopene content and antioxidant properties. Lycopene is a carotenoid that is responsible for the deep red color of tomatoes. Numerous studies have been done to determine the medical benefits of this compound. Lycopene may be able to reduce the risks of many types of cancer, including breast cancer.

It has been known that the antioxidants present in tomatoes are the ones that neutralize free radicals that increase the risk of cancer and signs of aging. UV radiation and free radicals are the reasons behind the appearance of sun spots, wrinkles and other issues that most people would like to avoid. You must consider antioxidants as your best form of defense against carcinogens, free radicals, and UV radiation.

More nutrients found in potatoes can be absorbed by the body if they are processed. This breaks down the tomato, therefore allowing you to more efficiently utilize its lycopene content. You may try juicing tomatoes to enhance its nutrients and make them bio-available and absorbable. Adding some chopped tomatoes to your salad can help you obtain some of its health benefits.

Make this easy juice recipe for you to fight cancer and aging caused by radiation.


This tomato juice recipe includes a few added ingredients to give it a bit more spice. However, it is still simple to prepare. We could simply process tomatoes in a juicer but some people might find its taste to be a little strong. Enjoy juicing!


3 large tomatoes
1-inch of ginger root, remove skin
6 ribs of celery
A dash of freshly-ground black pepper

How to prepare:

Cut up the tomatoes in sizes that can be put through the chute of your juicer. Remove seeds if you’re using a centrifugal juicer or blending them. If you’re using a masticating juicer, you may leave the seeds.

Juice the first three ingredients above then add a dash of ground black pepper.

Serve chilled. Enjoy!