A toothache may come from bacterial infection, dental cavities, tooth decay, or temporary gum irritation. To provide relief from the discomfort caused by a toothache, there are some easy-to-use remedies that we can try.
Saltwater is considered a first-line treatment when it comes to toothache. It can help relieve the pain and clean infected areas. It works by pulling fluid out from our gums that may be causing irritation and help loosen food particles and debris that may be stuck in between our teeth. Simply mix 1-2 teaspoons of salt in a glass of warm water, swish, and spit (1,2).
Ginger possesses antibacterial properties that can help soothe a number of health issues including minor infections, just like those associated with toothaches (1).
For this easy-to-use remedy, all we have to do is to pop a half-inch slice of fresh ginger root into our mouth. Bite it down and swirl the juice around the area using your tongue. Continue chewing the root as it becomes softer. Do this a few times daily.
Aside from this, a compress from ginger powder to alleviate toothache can also be tried. Grind ginger roots. Create a paste by mixing half a teaspoon of water and one teaspoon of powdered ginger roots. Apply the paste directly to the affected tooth using a cotton ball (3).
This spice contains curcumin, a compound that has potent antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, and antioxidant properties. This beneficial component is the one that makes turmeric a perfect ingredient for the treatment of periodontal diseases (4).
Make a paste by adding some water to the turmeric powder. Next, apply this paste to the site of the toothache.
Allicin, a compound found in garlic, is widely credited for its potent antibacterial effects that might help kill the bacteria in the mouth that lead to cavities and tooth pain (5).
Get relief from toothache pain by chewing a clove of garlic and allowing it to sit near the tooth. The same result can also be achieved if we sprinkle a few drops of garlic oil on a ball of cotton and placed it on the painful area.
Note: If the toothache is progressing and showing no sign of relief, homemade pain remedies won’t be enough. Seek help from a dental professional when it becomes clear that the problem in your mouth is getting worse.
- https://www.foreo.com/mysa/toothaches-bite-5-diy-remedies-fast-pain-relief/#:~:text=Ginger,using%20the%20tooth%20in%20question.
- https://www.healthline.com/health/dental-and-oral-health/home-remedies-for-toothache#peppermint-tea-bags
- https://wiki.nurserylive.com/t/top-7-herbal-remedies-for-toothache/2732
- https://www.smilebar.com.au/how-to-use-turmeric-to-have-healthy-gums/
- https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/326133#9-remedies
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