Diabetes is a chronic condition that causes higher than normal blood sugar levels. It’s important we recognize its early signs and symptoms in order for us to lower its risk of severe complications.
Here are the symptoms that could indicate issues with our blood sugar levels.
Unusual Skin Changes
One symptom of an increase in blood sugar levels is unusual skin changes. One may possibly notice dark blemishes on the joints, elbows, or the back of the neck.
These changes mean increased blood sugar levels and changes in genetic or hormonal conditions, according to Dr. Sanjiy Saini, a dermatologist in Edgewater, Maryland. Saini further added that the dark color of the blemishes is due to melanin which gets stimulated by the increased insulin amounts and the skin changes indicate that the patient already has diabetes.
Tingling, Numbness, Or Pain In The Hands Or Feet
Since high blood sugar can affect blood circulation, people with type 2 diabetes suffer from pain or a sensation of tingling or numbness in the hands or feet which is known as neuropathy. This condition can worsen over time and may lead to a more serious complication that damages the body.
Slow Healing of Cuts and Wounds
Due to the damage caused by high levels of blood sugar to the nerves and blood vessels, the body suffers from poor blood circulation. This results to slow healing of even small cuts and wounds. This may lead to an increased risk of infection and further complications.
Sudden Changes in Vision
Diabetes affects vision. It stimulates the fluid levels from the body to move more which can also travel to the eyes thus causing vision changes.
Dr. Howard Baum from Vanderbilt University explains that:
“Some patients told me that their vision has bettered when their blood sugars were raised, and then after they begin treating their diabetes, they needed their glasses again.”
Blurry Vision
The patient may also experience a blurry vision because the excess sugar in the blood damages the tiny blood vessel in the eyes. If left untreated, these damages to blood vessels may lead to permanent vision loss.
Constant Itchiness
With diabetes, the skin becomes irritated and dry and the blood flow reduces. People diagnosed with diabetes often claim that they have experienced itchiness on their hands, lower legs and feet, according to Dr. Baum.
Frequent Urination And Increased Thirst
When our blood sugar levels are high, our kidneys try to remove the excess sugar by filtering it out of the blood. This makes a person urinate more frequently, especially at night.
Of course, frequent urination can result in the body losing additional water and this can cause dehydration. Therefore, a person feels more thirsty than usual.