Home Remedies To Remove Skin Tags That Really Work

Skin tags refer to small growths or flaps of skin which are usually found around the neck, breast, eyes, underarms, or groin.

These may be caused by skin irritation, obesity, friction, and even genetics. Though these growths are harmless, a lot of people find them annoying and other would even like them gone for cosmetic reasons.

Luckily, there are at-home methods that can help you with your problem. Listed below are the home remedies to remove skin tags with minimal effort.

Apple Cider Vinegar

This vinegar is a great choice for removing skin tags due to its antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties.

Wash and thoroughly dry the area around the tag. Apply some apple cider vinegar to a cotton ball and apply to the bump. Hold the cotton ball in place for up to 15 minutes. Do these 3 times a day until the skin tag darkens, dries, and fall off.

The use of apple cider vinegar is not recommended for skin tags near the eyes.

Coconut Oil

This oil contains lauric acid – a powerful anti-microbial, which kills fungi, viruses, bacteria, and protozoa by dissolving their cellular walls.

Simply rub coconut oil into your skin tags every night before going to bed. Within a few short weeks, the tag should be greatly reduced, or have disappeared.

Tea Tree Oil

Tea tree is an anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, and antibiotic oil. For centuries, it has been used medicinally in treating all manner of ailments. It is effective in treating skin disorders particularly skin tags.

Simply soak a Q-tip in tea tree oil, gently apply and hold in place for up to 10 minutes. Do these 3 times a day. Using a Q-tip means the oil won’t come into contact with the skin around the tag. This is beneficial for those with sensitive skin.

If irritation occurs, you may blend tea tree oil with soothing carrier like coconut, before applying it topically.

Dandelion Juice

Due to its richness in vitamins and minerals, dandelions may be effective at removing skin tags.

Harvest a fresh dandelion and squeeze its root gently to extract its milky saps. Apply three drops to the skin tag three times per day. With continuous application, the tag should be completely gone with just four weeks.

Oil Of Oregano

Oregano oil has anti-fungal properties that can give relief from a lot of skin condition, including skin tags.

You can make your own oregano oil by just allowing fresh oregano to infuse with olive oil for several weeks, before straining. Oregano essential oil can also be diluted with a carrier oil like sweet almond or jojoba.

This oil must be directly applied on your skin tags three times a day and allow it to air-dry before covering with bandage or dressing. Repeat this daily until desired results are achieved.


Liquid iodine can be painted on to skin tags or warts once daily. There were people saying that skin tags will fall off within just days.

Iodine breaks down the skin cells and causes them to safely fall off. However, it must not be applied to the surrounding skin – you can do this by rubbing a barrier of coconut oil onto the healthy skin, before applying the iodine with a Q-tip to the tag.

Vitamin E Oil

Vitamin E is a powerful antioxidant with important properties for skin health and can be applied topically to skin tags.

Use only pure and high-quality Vitamin E that is formulated for topical treatment. Apply the liquid to the skin tag and use a bandage to over it. Change the bandage and Vitamin E oil every day after cleansing the affected area. You should repeat this process daily for several weeks or months until the tag is gone.


Garlic boosts anti-fungal, antiviral, antibacterial, and anti-inflammatory properties. It is believed to remove both warts and skin tags naturally within a few weeks.

Crush one garlic clove and soak it up with a cotton ball. Before going to bed, you must apply it to the skin tag and cover with a bandage. Wash it off in the morning to remove garlic’s pungent odor. Repeat the process the next night before taking a two-night break in order to reduce the risk of skin irritation.