When it comes to bone health, calcium is an essential nutrient. It helps maintain strong bones, plays a role in muscle movement, and enables the nerves to carry messages between the brain and every body part. Aside from these, calcium is used to help blood vessels move blood throughout the body and to help release hormones and enzymes that affect almost every function in the human body.
But what if you don’t get enough of it? Well, it might lead to more than just osteoporosis. Here are some of the familiar things that might happen to you if you get too little calcium.
You Have High Blood Pressure
Besides calcium deficiency, for sure, there’s another reason for your hypertension. Yet, according to the National Institutes of Health, getting the recommended intake of calcium can lessen the risk of developing high blood pressure. Calcium-rich foods that you must include in your diet are dairy products, brazil nuts or almonds, and veggies like cabbage or broccoli.
You Break A Bone In A Seemingly Minor Accident
Breaking a wrist after a minor fall could be a sign that low calcium intake has made your bones brittle. At the age of 30, your bones slowly lose calcium and your body can’t replenish it on its own. Eating more calcium-containing foods or taking a supplement can help. In postmenopausal women, bone fractures are most common.
You Don’t Get Enough Vitamin D
Vitamin D is needed in order for the calcium to be absorbed into the body. If your body lacks vitamin D, then you are likely to be low on calcium. Fortified foods which can help raise your D intake include milk, juice, or cereals.
Your Muscles Cramp Up
Muscle cramps may only be normal. But if it persists, you might have a severe calcium deficiency and it might be time for you to call a doctor. Chronic deficiency in calcium levels can result in contraction, muscle tenderness, or overall discomfort because this mineral is the one that helps your muscle movement.
You’re Lactose Intolerant
Low-fat dairy products which include yogurt, milk, and cheeses like cheddar, mozzarella, parmesan, and gruyere are some of the richest sources of calcium. But is these foods make you sick, then this could also leave you low in calcium. You can try adding other surprising calcium-rich foods to your diets like dried figs, hazelnuts, and Brewer’s yeast.
You Eat Boring Salads
Do you only love romaine? Then, it’s time for you to add some kale to the mix. Aside from vitamins A and C, those dark leafy vegetables like mustard, collard, kale, turnip, and Swiss chard are all high in calcium.