Studies Confirm: DNA From Genetically Modified Foods Pass Directly Into Humans

Common industry claims that DNA coming from Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) is harmless and can be broken down in the digestive tract. This idea they believe is patently false!

The scientific journal PLOS ONE published a recent study revealing that large meal-derived DNA fragments from GMOs can completely transfer their genes directly into the bloodstream. It deconstructs the myth about transgenic foods acting the same way as natural food.

As GMOs are currently consumed throughout the world, a team of researchers from universities of Denmark, U.S. and Hungary together with a combined analysis of four other independent studies involving more than 1,000 human samples, have looked at its assimilation process. This involves imitative of GM crops like soy protein from GM soybeans, high-fructose corn syrup (HFCS) from GM corn; and meat derived from animals fed with a GM-based diet.

After a thorough investigation on how these forms of GMOs were processed by the body, the team found out that during the digestion process, DNA from GMOs is not completely broken down by the body. Amino acids and nucleic acids were found to remain whole. Moreover, these larger DNA fragments easily pass directly into the circulatory system for some time at a higher level compared to the actual human DNA.

Aside from this, the analysis on over 1000 human samples from four independent studies reported evidence that meal-derived DNA fragments which are large enough to carry complete genes can avoid degradation and through an unknown mechanism can enter the human circulation system.

Genes From GMOs Remain Whole, Transfer Into The Small Intestines And Modify Composition Of Beneficial Bacteria

The claims by Monsanto and others, that GMOs are no different to non-GMOs as far as the body is concerned, was proven a lie by these surprising discoveries.

This latest analysis of how food genes are transferred from the digestive tract into the bloodstream obviously shows that genes of GMOs can pass into the bloodstream whole. Such presence is also linked with the numerous inflammatory conditions like adenoma (a benign tumor of glandular tissue), inflammatory bowel disease and colorectal cancer.

Also, the body has beneficial bacteria that are responsible for protecting the gut against foreign attackers. It also helps the body absorb nutrients from foods. It was found out that the presence of transgenic genes in the small intestines can affect the composition of these bacteria. People with ileostomies or opening in their abdominal walls as a result of surgery literally harbors full DNA sequences from GMOs in their intestinal tracts.

David Suzuki, co-founder of the David Suzuki Foundation states that:

“One small mutation in a human being can determine so much, the point is when you move a gene, one gene, one tiny gene out of an organism into a different one you completely change its context. There is no way to predict how it’s going to behave and what the outcome will be.”

Unfortunately, without any evidence backing them up, biotechnology companies always just claimed that GMOs are the same as real food. Biological activities regarding on how GMOs are processed by the human body have never been legitimately studied.