Health Awareness

Colon Cancer and Poop: Signs to Watch Out For

Colon cancer can cause poop (stool) changes such as blood in the stool and stools that are looser and more frequent. People with colon cancer...

10 Diet And Lifestyle Tips To Help Manage Stress

If you're frequently in a state of worry, anxiety or stress, your mind and body will be suffering. Stress affects our digestive system, nervous...

Rice Water for Hair: Will It Make Your Hair Grow?

Picture this – you’ve just cooked a pan of rice, and you’re left with the white, cloudy liquid. Your instinct is probably to pour...

Does Magnesium for Anxiety Really Work?

Research suggests that magnesium for anxiety may work by calming the nervous system, improving mood, and promoting relaxation.1,2,3 With a diverse range of magnesium types and supplements available, choosing...

Black Sesame Seeds–A Multitude of Health Benefits

Since ancient times, black sesame seeds have been used for kidney support, hair vitality, and prevention of osteoporosis. Black sesame seeds are an ancient and...

What Vegetables Should Help Kidney Stones?

When you're in the throes of kidney stone pain, you may not think about your diet much, but there are foods that are good for...

6 Potential Health Benefits of Mistletoe (Plus, Its History)

For most people, mistletoe brings to mind none other than a white Christmas. Besides serving as a festive winter decoration, did you know that...

What Causes Sinus Infections?

Your sinuses are air-filled spaces in your skull behind your cheeks, eyebrows, and jaw. Sinusitis, or a sinus infection, happens when you have swollen or...

High Levels Of ‘Good Cholesterol’ May Increase Dementia Risk

A new study shows high levels of HDL-C (“good cholesterol”) may be associated with an elevated risk of dementia in older adults. One...

Dos and Don’ts to Prevent Heartburn

Everyone’s heartburn triggers are different, but there are some common culprits. Heartburn, a common symptom of acid reflux, causes generally the same symptoms in everyone...

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