Food Parts We Can Use Instead Of Throwing In The Garbage

Most of us are used to throwing away food parts of fresh produce without knowing that these parts still contain a good dose of nutrients and vitamins that are needed by our body for optimum health.

Here are some of the foods that require no waste as they can be eaten from root to shoot.

Banana Peels

Bananas contain tryptophan which is an essential amino acid that helps the body produce more serotonin – the happiness hormone – in order to improve mood and regulate nerve impulses. Enjoy this benefit by boiling ripe banana peels for at least 10 minutes and add into stir-fries, smoothies, or soups. Also, we can simply slice and bake a banana with its skin.

Cilantro Stems

Aside from its leaves, cilantro stem and roots are also nutritious and can provide a bold flavor and texture. It can help us manage our blood sugar and control the production of free radicals in our body. The stems and roots can be juiced or be added into soups, salsas, or stews.

Carrot Tops

Did you know that the top of the green stem of fresh carrot is perfectly safe to eat? It works as a perfect herb substitute for any dish with carrots. Make a soup stock by boiling the carrot tops.

Citrus Peel

When it comes to garnishing dishes and kicking up the flavor, lemon rind has some great use. Moreover, studies have found that there is about 3 grams of fiber in 2 tablespoons of zest as well as niacin, folate, riboflavin, thiamin, calcium, iron, potassium, zinc, vitamin B6, vitamin B5, vitamin A, and magnesium. Grate citrus peels and sprinkle on green beans, add to coffee or tea, toss into a smoothie or blend into vinaigrette or marinade.

Watermelon Seeds

Think again the next time you decide to throw away the seeds of watermelon. Present in its residue, including it’s the white part and the seeds, are micronutrients like amino acids that are beneficial in improving our heart health, reducing muscle fatigue, and boosting libido and immunity. Aside from this, it also has vitamin C and B6. We can roast the seeds and toss them into salads to add a little crunch. Meanwhile, the white part can be added into smoothies, fruit salads, or soup.

Cucumber Skins

As compared to its actual flesh part, cucumber’s skin contains more fiber and nutrients. Its skin has vitamin K that is needed for bone health and helps prevent blood clotting.

Potato Skins

Potato skin contains fiber, vitamin C, B vitamins, potassium, and iron. Eating a medium baked potato, including the skin, can provide our body with about 4 grams of fiber, 2 milligrams of iron and 926 grams of potassium.

Another way of enjoying potato skin is by simply sprinkling it with some parmesan and olive oil on it and bake it until golden brown. It’s one of those no-brainer recipes that will make you never throw them out again.

Broccoli Stalks

Broccoli stalks contain sulforaphane, a potent cancer-fighting, antibacterial, and antioxidant compound that has anti-inflammatory properties that inhibits tumor blood vessel formation, protect cells from DNA damage, inhibits carcinogens, support the brain and digestive health, and promotes detoxification. Add the stalks on salads or steam, roast or sauté them and add into soups.