Due to their high cholesterol levels, eggs were demonized in the past. A lot of doctors were suggesting that it is bad to eat eggs. They believed that its cholesterol may harm your health. But it has been blown out of proportion because it was a misconception. Actually, eggs are one of the few foods good to our health – they contain vitamins, minerals, protein and antioxidants that can be used in different ways.
Nowadays, in order to boost your health, doctors suggest eating 2-3 eggs every day. Continue reading this article below if you want to learn more about the benefits you can get from eating a couple of eggs a day.
1. Reduce the Risk of Cancer
By eating eggs every day, you can reduce your risk of breast cancer by 18%. Additionally, eggs have a lot of essential amino acids, vitamins, and minerals that help stabilize your estrogen levels which lessen the risk of having breast cancer.
2. Protect the Brain
An important content of the egg is choline. It is vital for the brain. As a neurotransmitter, choline sends stimuli to the brain and nervous system. Lack of it can have negative effects on brain function and memory.
3. Reduce the Risk of Cardiovascular Diseases
Numerous cardiovascular diseases can be prevented by eating eggs because it contains up to 40 gr. of HDL (good) cholesterol. In the past, experts thought that egg raises the cholesterol levels in our blood— but this is not true. Our body is the one responsible for regulating its own cholesterol. Furthermore, most of the cholesterol is produced by the body itself.
There was a study conducted involving 152 overweight people who were divided into three groups. The first group ate nothing for breakfast, the second had 2 eggs and the third ate only a piece of bread. And the result? Shocking! The egg group lost 35% more belly fat and 75% more weight as well as no changes in their cholesterol levels.
The high amount of omega-3 fatty acids in eggs can also lessen the levels of triglycerides, preventing several cardiovascular problems in the process.
4. Help You Lose Weight
If you want to shed extra pounds of weight, eat more eggs and stay away from foods with a low glycemic index. Eggs can satisfy your cravings fast, thus, helping you eat less — resulting in more weight loss.
5. Improve Your Eyesight
Due to the high amount of vitamins, zeaxanthin, and lutein, eggs are perfect for the eyesight. Vitamin A is essential for seeing in the dark as well as for our vision. Furthermore, zeaxanthin and lutein are considered as two powerful antioxidants boosting your eyesight while preventing vision problems as well as preventing free radical damage.
6. Keep the Bones Healthy
Eggs contain two important nutrients for the bones and teeth — vitamin D and calcium. As partners, calcium and protein work together to keep the metabolic processes in the bones and maintain the calcium levels. We mostly get Vitamin D through the sun. It is vital for numerous processes in the body.
7. Slow Down the Aging Process
According to a study, eating eggs regularly can prevent skin cancer as well as stop the aging process. Eggs contain carotenoids– an organic pigment which can slow down aging. However, you need to eat the eggs boiled in order to fully benefit from them. Boiled eggs contain more carotenoids due to the chemical change generated when the eggs are cooked.
8. Reduce the Risk of Birth Defects
A 0.7 mcg. of vitamin B9 (folic acid) is found in the egg. Folic acid is recommended to pregnant women as it prevents damage to the embryo’s nervous system and reduces the risk of birth defects. You need to consume a few eggs every day because it is one of the richest sources of vitamin B.
9. Support the Liver, Skin, and Hair
The egg yolk contains sulfur and protein which can improve the quality of your skin and revitalize your dull hair. They also contain lecithin which improves digestion and assists the liver in the detoxification process.
As you can see, eggs won’t harm your health like it was previously thought. It is incredibly healthy and rich in numerous essential nutrients which will improve your overall health as well as regulate different body processes. This is why experts recommend eating 2-3 eggs a day. But for those in the cases of heart problems or diabetes, you should eat only 3 eggs a week.