The recent surge of studies that list the harmful effects of synthetic anti-diabetic drugs makes people suffering from diabetes turn to natural products that can regulate their blood sugar levels. Some patients even combine these natural forms due to its synergistic effects.
In a study, which was published in the Journal of Evidence-Based Integrative Medicine, researchers investigated the safety and effectiveness of a myrobalan (Terminalia chebula), myrrh (Commiphora myrrha), and Indian bdellium-tree (Commiphora mukul) when it comes to treating hyperlipidemia in Type 2 diabetes patients.
At present, the number of people who suffer from Type 2 diabetes outnumbers those who suffer from Type 1 by over 50%.
Type 2 diabetes is associated with the development of insulin resistance. Due to this, the body will compensate by increasing insulin production, however, after some time, the body will not be able to keep up, thus leading to insufficient insulin and high glucose levels.
Diabetic dyslipidemia is one of the many risk factors associated with Type 2 diabetes. People suffering from this condition have reduced levels of high-density lipoprotein cholesterol and increased levels of low-density lipoprotein cholesterol, which are associated with insulin resistance. Because of the problematic lipid profile of patients with this condition, there is an increased risk of developing stroke, heart diseases, and atherosclerosis.
In Iran, traditional medicine has been used to treat diabetes. This medicine is composed of the combination of myrobalan, Indian bdellium-tree, and myrrh. According to studies, each of these components has their own medicinal benefits. Myrobalan and myrrh can regulate glucose levels while Indian bdellium-tree has been proven to be effective against hyperlipidemia. Altogether, these herbs can produce a powerful medicine with the potential for regulating cholesterol levels and blood sugar.
For the study, the researchers conducted a clinical test trial with 86 participants for a period of three months. The study aims to know the effects of myrobalan, Indian bdellium-tree, and myrrh on cholesterol levels and blood sugar. The participants of the study were women aged 40 to 60 years old with hyperlipidemic Type 2 diabetes.
First, the researchers were able to determine the phytochemicals present in each component. Myrobalan was found to have a total of phenolic content of 18 mg/g while major of the compounds found in Indian bdellium-tree and myrrh were 3Z-cembrene A and furanoeudesma-1,3-diene. Studies found that furanoeudesma-1,3 diene, which along with other compounds in myrrh, can reduce glucose levels. Aside from these, all three plants have antioxidants that could improve lipid and glucose metabolism.
After the three month-period, blood samples were acquired from each participant. They were tested from different parameters, such as glucose, triglyceride levels, low-density lipoprotein cholesterols, and high-density lipoprotein cholesterols. Based on the data gathered, researchers found that there were significant improvements for the parameters except for triglyceride levels. Moreover, it was also observed that there were no side effects on the kidney, liver, and other parts of the body.
Researchers concluded that the combination of myrobalan, Indian bdellium-tree, and myrrh can effectively lower blood glucose levels while at the same time, maintaining healthy cholesterol levels. And of course, all of these happened without causing any adverse effects.
Type 2 Diabetes Complications
Aside from increasing the risk of coronary heart diseases, Type 2 diabetes can cause other complications which include:
Kidney Damage
Damage on blood vessels can lead to impaired filtering function of the kidney. When this damage becomes severe, there may be a need for dialysis or kidney transplant.
Nerve Damage
Excess sugar can damage blood vessels for the nerves and this can cause pain or numbness, erectile dysfunction, and digestion problems.
Alzheimer’s Disease
According to studies, poor regulation of blood sugar can increase the risk for Alzheimer’s.