Every year, more than 33,000 Americans develop liver cancer, and from these, an estimated 26,000 people die from the diseases. This was confirmed by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The limited treatments available for the disease is said to be the main reasons for the high mortality rates of liver cancer. These treatments include chemotherapy and surgical removal of affected areas. These treatments only cause various side effects that are highly fatal. Studies regarding the potential use of natural products for cancer therapeutics have been conducted.
According to a research conducted by researchers from the United Arab Emirates University and the University of Shariah, the herbs fenugreek (Trigonella foenum-graecum), Senna (Cassia acutifolia), and Rhazya stricta, which is locally known as harmal, have anticancer properties.
Our liver is a very important organ. It is responsible for numerous metabolic processes such as extracting energy, removing toxins in the bloodstream, and breaking down substances. These make the liver vulnerable to damage caused by harmful substances like free radicals that could lead to cancer. Antioxidants have been linked with anticancer properties because they prevent DNA damage, abnormal cell division, and mutagenesis by neutralizing reactive molecules.
Synthetic antioxidants have negative effects on a person’s body thereby, it would be better if you obtain antioxidants from natural sources. Some of its potential sources are fenugreek, Senna, and harmal.
Fenugreek and Senna are used to remedy constipation and flatulence. On the other hand, harmal can treat a sore throat, inflammatory conditions, and diabetes.
This study looked at the antioxidant and anticancer activities of extracts from these three plants. Researchers aim to determine the potential use of these plants in liver cancer treatment. Their properties were evaluated through in vitro experiments. The authors of the study, which were published in BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine, found a potent antioxidant and anticancer activity which were observed to be dependent on the former. Among the three, harmal proved to be the most promising for the reason that it was able to reduce free radicals and kill cancer cells to a greater degree.
Overall findings of the study showed fenugreek, Senna, and especially harmal have potent antioxidant and anticancer activities. This only shows that herbal plants have great potential as alternatives to harmful conventional treatments.
Common Liver Diseases
Your risk of liver cancer can increase if you have pre-existing liver problems. Here are some of the most common liver diseases:
Non-alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease
People suffering from obesity and diabetes are likely to have excessive amounts of fat in the liver which can cause liver damage and inflammation.
Hepatitis can be of different types. It can either be caused by viral infections or by an unwarranted immune response of the body to the liver.
It’s true that iron is needed by the body. However, too much of it can damage the liver.
In this condition, a healthy liver tissue is replaced by scar tissue. This is common among people who consume too much alcohol or those who have Wilson’s disease or chronic hepatitis. Cirrhosis is associated with most cases of liver cancer.